Yep – another re-review! But this one’s very special – i haven’t had this in a few years and I hope after reading and seeing, this stuff you’ll be ready and even dying to try it. This, my friend, is one of the finest instant noodle varieties I’ve ever had. Thanks to Jim C. for contacting Empire International, distributor of these and sending samples!
Tag: chinese
Skagit Valley Herald Article: Which Ramen Is Top? Anacortes Native’s Noodle Blog Is Internationally Acclaimed
Update – I also have a scanned copy of this article – you can find it here!
Which ramen is top?
Anacortes native’s noodle blog is internationally acclaimed
Donation – Some New Arrivals From New York!
Got an email a week or so ago from Michelle L., a fan of the blog. She asked if I wanted to try some varieties she could get in the New York area – you know it!
Re-Review: Indomie Chicken Curry Flavour Instant Noodles
Here’s the first re-review of one of the samples sent by Empire International thanks to Jim C.! This sounded really good after work!
Donation – A Box Full Of Indonesian Delights!
A fellow named Jim C. from Canyon Country, CA dropped me a line a short time ago asking if I was interested in some Indomie stuff. Of course I replied in the affirmative!
Re-Review: Wu-Mu Beef Flavor Ramen Mi Bo
What’s with all the re-reviews you ask? Well, I’m stalled at review #599 as I’m awaiting the opportunity to review an pack of instant noodles that is pretty generic but has been overlooked. I should have it in my clutches VERY shortly. Decided for this one – beefy and sweet and spicy and I remember…
Tipping Point: Is There Really A Danger From Cup Noodles?
I’ve seen a few articles as of late about people burning themselves because they tip over cups of instant noodles. This is ridiculous. These articles start citing that the design of these cup is flawed. Also, it is mentioned that many of the victims are children! I think anyone saying “here little tyke, be careful, it’s hot” ought to have their heads examined. . If you don’t know how to correctly operate and consume a cup noodle, I will herein inform you as to how.
Re-Review: Ottogi Bekse Curry Myon
Here’s another one that Nick from sent along. Curry’s very high on my favorite spices list – let’s see how this one does today. I decided I wanted it to be a little stronger than normal, so I omitted 1/4 cup of water.
Re-Review: Ottogi Ramyonsari
Nick at was kind enough to send a couple of these along. These are my wife’s favorite – very basic and simple noodles which are tasty and satisfying. I think you could probably ordr them from if you send him an email – they’re worth it!
#599: Lucky Me! Pancit Canton (Chow Mein) Extra Hot Chili Flavor
Pancit Canton! Ahhh this stuff is so good! It’s a lot like Mi Goreng but a little sweeter. Anyways, Let’s give their extra hot chili flavor a try!
Re-Review: Nongshim Ansungtangmyun Hot & Spicy Noodle Soup
Say that three times fast, why don’t you?! This is one sent to me by Nick at Looks like some spicy good noodles!
Help The Ramen Rater’s Story Take Wing!
So I saw an i-Report article on CNN about ramen noodles and it mentioned they wanted people to write about their experiences with noodles from restaurant style to instant. I decided I’d write a short article and if it gets enough attention, it will be included in a big article CNN will be running at the beginning of next year! What I ask is that you click this link and check out the story yourself – share it on your facebook and twitter if you’re up for it! I feel The Ramen Rater blog isn’t just about my reviews; its about everyone who comments and participates. The more coverage it gets, the bigger the community and the more useful the site becomes. Thanks to everyone who comes to the site every day!
#597: Batchelors Super Noodles Sweet & Sour Flavour
Thought I’d do some more of this stuff today. I was expecting a package but there was a FedEx delivery exception and so I’ll have to wait til Monday most likely. So, here’s something weird – sweet and sour noodles? Yep. Let’s do this.
#596: Thai Kitchen Lemongrass & Chili Instant Rice Noodle Soup
Yeah, I know – two ramens in one day? But these be small. Anyways, I wanted to see if switching back to a different camera worked better. I’m still unsure… Lemongrass and chili eh? Okay let’s do this.
#594: Haioreum Asian Style Noodles Seafood Flavored In Bowl
Thought I’d go with something different tonight – and this definitely qualifies as that I think. Let’s rip the lid off this big fresh udon noodle bowl!
Re-Review: Nissin Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
From time to time, it’s a good idea to revisit a baseline. Top Ramen Chicken is something I compare all noodles to in one way or another. The noodles themselves are classic – they’re not bad and soak up the flavor well. They’re not mushy although not exactly what one would call chewy. When reviewing chicken instant noodles I always think to this stuff. Of course, when I see an article someone has blogged or written on the Internet about ramen, a good 80% of the time there’s a nice big picture of the product you see above. Youtube’s no stranger to this either; there are about a zillion videos telling you simply how to prepare a packet of instant Top Ramen. It’s not only good but its everywhere. Eaten raw or cooked, people seem to like it. Well, I like it too and so I revisit it with a sore throat and runny nose. Here we go!
#593: Nongshim Chapagetti Chajang Noodle
#592: Batchelors Super Noodles Mild Curry Flavour
Hey awesome – curry’s one of my favorites! I’m thinking since my wife made the finest turkey yesterday that I’ve ever had the fortune of eating, I’d try to fuse that with this and toss an egg in. Here we go!
#591: Batchelors Super Noodles To Go Chinese Spare Rib
Something differe – Chinese Sparerib!
Big seasoning packet on the left and a little packet to add at the end of cooking.
#590: MAMA Instant Chand Clear Soup Bowl
Needed something fast to eat before we went to do our Black Friday errands. No, we didn’t get up at 4am or anything; we need to get an oil change and woke up at noon. So here’s some instant MAMA.
Thanksgiving 2011: Re-Review of Indomie Special Fried Curly Noodles Special Quality Instant Noodles
Before I start the re-review, I just want to say happy Thanksgiving to all – it’s been a great year for me and I’ve got so much to be thankful for. My health, my job, my son and my wife. I also would like to say thanks for all the great fans and contributors to the site – whether by donations or comments, you help make this site thrive.
#589: Vifon Korean Style Instant Noodle Kim Chee Flavor Bowl
I thought today I’d pause from the onslaught of funky noodles and look at this one. The thing I didn’t expect was that these would be wheat noodles and that piqued my curiosity. Here goes my 5:30pm after work breakfast!
#588: Vifon Tu Quy Instant Noodle Pork Flavor
Hey cool I didn’t realize I still had one of these left! I liked this line of Vifon stuff!
#587: Sunlight Steam Vermicelli
The last time I had a bag of instant noodles like this I had a horrible experience; a ball of glued together, sticky, nasty funk. This time I’m a little more experienced and wiser and going to try a different method of attack.
#586: Vedan Bah Kut Tea Noodle For Vegetarian
These look really different. I think I had some Vedan noodles a really long time ago and gave them an extremely low rating – hope it’s better this time!
#585: Ve Wong Artificial Onion Flavor Instant Bean Thread Bowl
And on we go with the onslaught of instant noodles that I’ve not gotten to as they don’t look all that tasty. Today we start with some onion flavored bean thread.
#584: Baijia Single Noble Black Bone Chicken Flavor Instant Sweet Potato Noodles
#583: Vifon Phu Gia Mien Cua Crab Flavor Instant Bean Thread
#582: Koyo Tofu And Miso Ramen Made With Organic Noodles
#581: Koyo Mushroom Ramen Made With Organic Noodles
#580 Baijia Original Hot & Sour Flavor Casserole Stewed Rice Noodle
Baijia with rice noodles eh? Sounds different – hope it’s better than all the others I’ve tried!
#579: Baijia Sichuan Pickled Flavor Instant Sweet Potato Thread
Baijia has been a brand I loathe thus far. Let’s see what we have in this one.
Two packets – liquid base on left and powdered base on right.
#578: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Noodle Soup
UPDATED REVIEW – uses a recipe from! See it HERE!
First off, I want to thank Greg B. of Florida for sending this one in. Shin Ramyun Black – wow. So I should mention about the ‘ controversy in South Korea about this product. Nong Shim advertised that it had more nutritional value than it really did and was fined for misleading advertising ( Korean Herald article here ). It was extremely popular and I believe it still is. It costs much more than regular Shin Ramyun too. I’ll have to say that I’ve been waiting for just the right day to review this one! Let’s see what’s inside this interesting package of South Korean instant noodles!
#577: Pot Noodle Chinese Chow Mein Flavour
Here we go with some more fine British fare that was donated by Cindy C. from England!
I think if this stuff was sold over here it would do really well!!!
#576: Menraku Japanese Tempura “Soba”
Here’s probably the last of the Menraku varieties available, another tempura.
Yep – directions. I like that they are pretty vigilant about not microwaving the Styrofoam…
#575: Batchelors Super Noodles Barbecue Beef Flavour
Here we go – I didn’t get to making anything to eat today until around 6pm so I thought this sounded filling. Thanks to Cindy C. from Middlesex, England for donating these!
#574: Maggi Tricky Tomato 2 Minute Noodles
#573: Noah Foods Phoya Chicken Flavor
You hungry? Ya! What joo hungry pho? Phoya? Phoshizzle… I dunno – I think they think they’re really clever with this one. So I’ll review it pho ya….
#572: Maruchan Yakisoba Home Style Japanese Noodles Tomato & Basil Flavor
Been awhile since I’ve had a domestic Maruchan Yakisoba! This one was purchased on our drive back from our honeymoon this summer in mid-July. Got it and another one at a Chevron in northern Oregon of all places!
#571: Shirakiku Japanese Style Ramen Shirakiku Tokusen Sio Ramen
Was digging in the noodle hamper and found this little gem so thought I’d have it for breakfast today with a couple eggs boiled in with the noodles.