Got this one ages ago – thought something mellow after the fiery onslaught I endured earlier. Beef. Let’s do this.
The back of the package (click image to enlarge).
The noodle block.
Seasoning powder on the left and chili powder on the right.
Here’s the chili powder atop the seasoning powder.
Seasoned oil.
Here’s the oil with seasonings.
Finished (click image to enlarge). Added a few onions, an egg and some Dua Belibis hot sauce. The noodles are standard tasty Indomie – good stuff. The broth has a nice beef flavor and some onion goodness too. I liked it – a basic and good beef noodle soup. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 089686140163 .
Indomie’s most popular product, Mi Goreng.
Big noodle eating contest!