Tag: sauce

#4652: That’s Asia Sweet & Sour Sauce With Noodles – United States

#4652: That's Asia Sweet & Sour Sauce With Noodles - United States

Well, here’s this. The last time I tried something from these folks I came up with only one thing to say; that’s not Asia. I’ve an open mind, but guessing I’m in for disappointment. But I’ve got an open mind, dammit! I think chicken should pair rather well with this and I do have chicken. Well, it’s made in Thailand for the Us market. That being send, let’s That’s. ...see full post

#4424: Dongwon Spicy Topokki With Rose Sauce – South Korea

#4424: Dongwon Dpicy Topokki With Rose Sauce - South Korea

I thought this one was a combo tteokbokki and noodle like the other one I reviewed a little while ago but that isn’t the case. Rose is when you have a carbonara and a spicy tteokbokki sauce mixed together – spicy and creamy. I couldn’t just let it be so I made it and it’s freaking good – here you go. ...see full post

#4021: Myojo Yakisoba Original Sauce – United States

#4021: Myojo Yakisoba Original Sauce - United States

I have this and one more fresh variety that I need to cook up of these great Myojo USA refrigerated varieties – they’ve been extremely good! My wife has been a fan of yakisoba for a long time as have I, but my daughter could be heard while I was finishing up the reviews that day I tried the savory miso version. ‘Mama, can I have another bite?’ She’s definitely one for repetitiveness, and like a happy broken record, I want to say I heard her say it a good couple dozen times. Curious how they’ll like this one – I think they will! ...see full post

#3406: Street Noodles Teriyaki – United States

#3406: Street Noodles Teriyaki - United States

This one was sent by a reader named Brett recently. I woke up this morning at 1:20am and decided to do the unboxing of this one and another one sent by a reader as well and hopefully review them both today. I say hopefully because all of us here were blessed with another cold brought home by our beloved son from the school of germ incubation. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#3199: New Touch Sauce Yakisoba – Japan

#3199: New Touch Sauce Yakisoba - Japan

Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘If you want to enjoy festive food stalls of yakisoba, you can go to Asakusa or have Asakusa come to you! The fresh sizzling flavor of worcester sauce will whet your appetite and get your taste buds excited. The furikake seasoning contains nori seaweed and tempura pearls.’ ...see full post

#3174: TIEasy Sesame Sauce Handmade Noodle – Taiwan

#3174: TIEasy Sesame Sauce Handmade Noodle - Taiwan

I got an email asking if I’d like to try a new noodle and of course I said yes. Turns out the fellow who wants to distribute it is up in Vancouver, BC. So I emailed him while we were up there and we met up at Foodyworld in Richmond. He gave me this and another variety as well as a pack with different kinds of noodles that contain vegetable – like a purple yam noodle, pumpkin noodle, etc. This was really cool – we chatted for a few and two days later, I’m giving these noodles a try. Let’s check them out! By the way TIEasy is short for Take It Easy. ...see full post

#2991: Big Bon Chicken & Salsa Sauce Instant Noodles – Russia

#2991: Big Bon Chicken & Salsa Sauce Instant Noodles - Russia

Here’s another of the Russian varieties that were found in Uzbekistan and sent by the kind folks at halalfoodblog.com – thank you! They’re in Singapore – so to sum up: Some nmice Singaporean folks visited Uzbekistan and found Russian instant noodles then mailed them to me here in the United States. Truly a well-traveled pack of noodles! Let’s take a look! ...see full post

#2844: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Dry Noodles With Soy Bean Sauce

#2844: Vedan Jhen Mian Tang Dry Noodles With Soy Bean Sauce

With the advent in the popularity of the Taiwanese dry noodles sector, larger companies have entered the fray. For those of your that don’t know, dry noodles basically are noodles with a sauce – dry meaning that they do not include a broth. They’re also not fried but either air or sun dried.  They’re gaining popularity – let’s have a look at this mainstream Taiwanese brand’s take on a standard dry noodle variety. ...see full post

#2705: Ichiran Ramen Curly Noodles including Original Red Dry Sauce【Only in Fukuoka】

#2805: Ichiran Ramen Curly Noodles including Original Red Dry Sauce【Only in Fukuoka】

So a couple months ago I read an article mentioning this high end fancy instant ramen. Having never seen nor heard of it, I thought I’d better investigate. I mean, how can I be The Ramen Rater if I’m not going to hop on board for something like this? I got some eBay gift cards for Christmas and thought I’d seek this one out. ...see full post

#2614: Samyang Foods Chacharoni

#2614: Samyang Foods Chacharoni - South Korea - The Ramen Rater

Chacharoni is a play on words. Jjajang kind of sounds like ‘cha cha’ and the roni calls to noodles. There are other plays on words in the South Korean industry when it comes to jjajangmyeon. So basically what you have here is a thick noodle with a black bean sauce – also known as jjajang. Here’s a little about jjajangmyeon from Wikipedia – ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Mom’s Dry Noodle Vegan Chilli With Sesame Sauce

Mom’s Dry Noodle Vegan Chilli With Sesame Sauce - Taiwan - The Ramen Rater

A lot of people these days are giving up meat and switching to the Vegan lifestyle. So, what’s the difference between Vegetarian and Vegan? It seems like there are many different ‘flavors’ of Vegetarianism. For example, I have a friend who claims to be vegetarian, however he eats bacon, eggs and Jack In The Box fast food tacos. Here’s what wikipedia has to say about Veganism: ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2311: Xiao Ban Mian Sesame Sauce Matcha Noodle

Meet The Manufacturer: #2311: Xiao Ban Mian Sesame Sauce Matcha Noodle - The Ramen Rater - Taiwan - instant noodles

Xian Bian Mian is a new line from Howsler Foods. They all use straight noodles and are a bit different from the Mom’s Dry Noodle line. These tall narrow packs have three servings in each. So matcha has become really popular – but what is it? Let’s ask wikipedia: ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Mom’s Dry Noodle Pepper & Sesame Sauce

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Mom's Dry Noodle Pepper & Sesame Sauce - The Ramen Rater - Taiwan

So today we kick off Meet The Manufacturer with a unique variety – pepper and sesame sauce. First, this is black pepper, not hot chill. Second, sesame sauce is completely different from sesame oil. Sesame sauce has a more peanut butter kind of texture and flavor whereas sesame oil has that strong sesame scent and saltiness. Let’s dig into this one and get things started! ...see full post

#2268: Nissin Nupasta Neapolitan Flavour Instant Noodle

This one is leftover from the Nissin Hong Kong Meet The Manufacturer I did a little while back! They sent almost 60 different unique varieties of instant noodles! Thanks again – rarely does a company do something like this! So these Nupasta varieties have been really enjoyable thus far. This one looks like a noodle with marinara sauce. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1934: Love Cook Guanmiao Dried Noodles With Spicy Sauce

Ah now here we go – spicy! Spicy sounds good today – it’s been cold, rainy and windy lately – not a very nice combo. Every morning Miles wakes up and I wheel his bassinet over to the window to spend a few minutes looking outside – usually it’s a cloudy day. But that’s weather in Washington state for you – winter’s like that. Spicy sounds good – let’s check it out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1840: Forest Noodles Sweet Potato Noodles With Sesame Paste Sauce

Today, we start with Forest Noodles’ sweet potato noodles. They’re sun-dried (no sun, no noodles). I think it would be neat to have a sun-dried noodle company here in the Seattle company, but it’s so cloudy around here that it probably wouldn’t work very well! Maybe in the summer months though… anyways, let’s see what we’ve got here! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #1828: Zeng Noodles Scallion With Sichuan Pepper Flavor

In the past year, I’ve tried quite a few varieties with Sichuan Pepper in them and really gotten a feel for this kind of flavor. In a way, Sichuan Pepper has almost a minty taste to it; it’s really quite different and unique. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1780: Pulmuone Non-Fried Noodle Blackbean Sauce Noodle With Squid

It’s been almost 400 reviews since the last Pulmuone product I’ve reviewed. Found this one at a local South Korean grocery store and thought today would be a good day to try it. Seems like I’m finding less South Korean varieties to review as of late which really bums me out – Always been a big fan of South Korean instant ramyun. Well, this one is from Pulmuone, a company which shoots for the healthier mark with their products. The noodle aren’t fried, so I’m guessing they’re baked or air-dried. Let’s have a look at this one – with squid! ...see full post

#1592: Mom’s Dry Noodle Vegan Chilli With Sesame Sauce

Today’s a very big day for people living in Asia as well as the rest of the world! It’s Chinese New Year! I thought today would be a good day to have this new Mom’s Dry Noodle from Taiwan. I have the honor of taking part in a special Chinese New Year gathering in Seattle this year with a Singaporean group! I’ll be posting about that on Sunday. For those of you unfamiliar with Chinese New Year, here’s a little about it from Wikipedia: ...see full post

#1544: Thai Pavilion Pad Thai Instant Rice Noodles & Sauce

I believe my wife got me this one for Christmas last year – thanks sweetie! What’s so nice about instant noodles is that they have such a long shelf life, and so they can sit in my noodle hamper for a while before I have to get to them. Anyways, here’s one that sounds good today – Thai Pavilion Pad Thai. This one is made in Thailand but made for the US market. Let’s check it out! ...see full post