Category: Sing-Lin Foods Corporation

Meet The Manufacturer: #2862: Wu-Mu Ma Jiou Mian Xian : Hua-Tiau Chiew Chicken flavor

Meet The Manufacturer: #2862: Wu-Mu Ma Jiou Mian Xian : Hua-Tiau Chiew Chicken flavor

I remember when I was at the Taiwan International Food Expo 2017 and seeing the Wu-Mu booth. Two gentlemen were sitting and talking and I came over and introduced myself. They gave me a sample of this product and I haven’t had the chance to review it yet – which works perfect as it’s now being reviewed in a Meet The Manufacturer series./ Here’s what they have to say about this variety: ...see full post

Unboxing Time: Product Samples From Wu-Mu

Unboxing Time: Product Samples From Wu-Mu

Got a big and heavy box of samples today in the mail! Miles immediately decided it was his and thought he should play ‘king of the hill’ and be on top of it. Luckily, the box was very sturdy and so no harm done. Let’s crack this box open and have as look inside to see what we’ll be sampling for Meet The Manufacturer: Wu-Mu! ...see full post

#1440: Wu-Mu Dried Noodle With Beef Flavor Sauce

I’ve reviewed quite a few instant by this brand. They’re made in Taiwan and they come with four of everything; four noodle blocks, four of each sachet. The Interesting twist with this one is that it doesn’t use broth; it’s a stir noodle! I don’t think I’ve found one of those yet. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1397: Wu-Mu Steam Seafood Flavor Ramen

Here’s something from Taiwan. These noodles aren’t fried – they’re steamed. This lowers the fat content by quite a bit, although they will break your teeth if you try eating them like snack noodles! Most of Wu-Mu’s products are this way and they’re usually pretty good. This is a four pack – you get four of everything! Let”s have a look inside. ...see full post

Re-Review: Wu-Mu Beef Flavor Ramen Mi Bo

What’s with all the re-reviews you ask? Well, I’m stalled at review #599 as I’m awaiting the opportunity to review an pack of instant noodles that is pretty generic but has been overlooked. I should have it in my clutches VERY shortly. Decided for this one – beefy and sweet and spicy and I remember… ...see full post

#449: Wu-Mu Beef Flavor Ramen Mi Bo

This package was part of a five pack found at a 99 Ranch near Anaheim, CA. I’ve never seen such a basic variety from Wu-Mu before and it really piqued my curiosity. Wu-Mu prides itself on being a more premium brand and doesn’t fry their noodles but steams them. The result is less fat this whole pack has only 4g fat, compared to something like 14-22 grams in a fried instant noodle. Let’s see how this stuff is for breakfast with a couple of eggs. ...see full post

#270: Wu-Mu Dried Noodle With BBQ Pork Flavor Sauce

So today’s a downtime today. My lady Kit’s not feeling well and we decided a couple days ago that we would chill and watch Star Trek movies and eat noodles together. That being said, I needed to find some kind of new noodle thing that she night like. Well, BBQ Pork flavor sounded pretty good to me and I thought she’d dig it too. ...see full post