Alright so first off – this is made in China, however the package is definitely made for sale in the United States. Second, I found this at Asian Food Center on Hwy 99/Aurora by Shoreline, WA – definitely a great place to visit every couple of months. I’ve found tons of unique variants there. Let’s check it out!
Tag: chinese
#4048: Kailo Brand Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour – China
Here’s one that came from an Exotic Noods subscription box! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount. I haven’t had anything by this brand in probably a decade – but I remember I liked this brand’s products. I remember that, but I don’t know where my keys are at the moment. Fascinating. Well, let’s give it a try!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition
One thing I’ve noticed – spicy is in. This list tends to be the most popular on my website The Ramen Rater every single day. People just want to get all the spicy they can get. Why is that? Spicy is intense. Spicy compliments flavor. Spicy will knock you on your butt. The challenge and chase for the endorphin rush that ultra spicy things give people is extremely tempting for many. These are the spiciest varieties I’ve had the opportunity to sample as of my 3,950th review. Ready to burn? Let’s get to The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition.
#4022: Yumei Night Market Chow Mein – Soy Sauce Flavor – China
Found this one at the Asian Family Market on 130th & Aurora in Seattle. They’ve got a lot of premium varieties – this one is in a little box which is pretty neat. I’ve had some from this brand in the past I really didn’t like but I’m hopeful – I mean, they’re mentioning night market in the title and night markets are really, really cool – at least when I visited Taiwan. Let’s check it out!
#3994: Baman Sour Doujiao Noodle – China
This one looked interesting – saw it at our local 99 Ranch Market… Was really struggling with the translation of the directions, however my friend Bobby from Toronto came through right when I needed clarification and here we are – thanks! Let’s give this a try!
#3990: Sichuan Guangyou 9999 Chongqing Instant Noodle Artificial Beef Flavor – China
Here’s one that came via Exotic Noods – check ’em out and use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3988: Uncle Fun Hai Nan Fen – China
An apron, glasses, and a sunny demeanor. Yes, this is Uncle Fun. Fun? Foon? I’m guessing it’s pronounced Foon. When I opened this, the aroma was definitely nice. But what was difficult was the cooking part. I found a new way to image translate, but it was through google, so very confusing. Boiling noodles in cold water seems a little strange to me, but they’ve got some mad tech in China, yo… I hope I can figure out how the heck to cook this stuff… UPDATE – big thanks to Kyle K. over at Mom’s Dry Noodle for huge help in cooking instructions!
#3983: Shi Zu Ren Energy Vegetarian Beef Flavor Noodle – China
Yup – another Chinese flower pot. I like these so much – they’re interesting things. Lots of sachets and bits and pieces to taste. Let’s check it out!
#3937: Xiao Long Kan Jintong Sour & Hot Pumpkin Flavor – China
Well this sounds interesting enough… Another flower pot. This one looks neat and sounds tasty. Let’s check it out!
#3932: Single Grain Chongqing Noodles – China
Another one found at the nearby 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds, Washington. That place really holds a dear place in m heart – that’s where my interest in the instant noodle really was rekindled back in 2010 when we moved about five minutes away. There should be a plaque. Anyways, let’s check out this spicy Chinese variety.
#3928: Mo Xiao Xian Luosifen Instant Rice Noodle- China
Wow so this one looked neat but sure didn’t want me to know exactly what it was. Smelly powder? Smelly smelly juice? I mean, yeah – of course sign me up for that experience, but I want to know what it’s actually called.
#3905: Shoo Loong Kan Mianyang Instant Rice Noodle – China
Three Chinese varieties found at the same store in a row. I still feel like crap – it’s the third day of reviews but I’m doing four today.
#3904: Fenweixiang Hengyang Fish Instant Rice Noodle – China
It’s rice noodles and fish flavor time! Do you have a wristwatch? Does it talk? Does it tell you when it’s rice noodle and fish flavor time? No? Well, why not? Wouldn’t you like that kind of functionality in a wristwatch? Allergies, Benadryl, and about 16 hours since I had my second shot of vaccine and I’m feeling loopy. I’m not sure if the shot is affecting me but man I sure feel weird. Anyways, let’s give this one a try!
#3903: Fairy Bridge Huo Guo Gu Lang Maocai Instant Hotpot Noodles Chuanchuanxiang Flavor – China
This one looked interesting when we were out noodle hunting a few weeks ago. I’m in the mood for interesting. I’m also feeling a little loopy today – allergies and I got my second Pfizer shot. Let’s do this.
#3902: Baijia Chengdu Sweet Noodle – China
Here’s one we found at a fancy market on Highway 99 south of Shoreline. This one sounds pretty good – I suppose we shall see. Let’s check it out!
#3890: Niudafang Lanzhou Ramen – China
A recent local find. Unfortunately, the website mentioned on the box is defunct. Luckily, I kind of figured out the way to cook this one up from seeing varieties that did come with soup on YouTube when I looked up Lanzhou. Let’s check this one out.
#3882: Shi Zu Ren Daozai Mian Instant Sour Noodle Soup – China
Here’s yet another one of these Shi Zu Ren ‘flower pots.’ This one’s pretty snazzy – silver shiny cup with Mr. Demon and flying pieces of vegetable. Let’s dig in!
#3881: Fan’s Kitchen Premium Instant Noodles Sesame Chili Sauce Flavor – China
Oh dood – it’s the last one! I have to be honest – these have been really quite good. A nice change. I applaud these folks – they’ve got a really good range – well, so far. Curious what this one will bring, however it sounds good. Let’s find out if it is…
#3879: Baixiang Artificial Chicken Soup Flavor Instant Noodle – China
I first found Baixiang products up in Richmond, BC a number of years ago. Good stuff – always like to try new ones they make. A reader mentioned this one – I’d seen it before, and I’d thought I’d bought the chicken one and the pork one, but instead I’d gotten two pork ones. Well, when asked if I’d tried it I decided to grab the chicken one. Only one pack this time though. Let’s check it out!
#3876: Kou Da Xiang Hot & Spicy Mixed Instant Noodle – Shrimp Flavor – China
Here’s another one I got at Family Asian Market on Aurora. A gift box type of thing – maybe from Lunar New Year? Not sure, but looks interesting. I’m in the mood for interesting – let’s check it out!
#3874: Fan’s Kitchen Premium Instant Noodles Chongqing Spicy Flavor – China
I’ll admit, I tried one of these yesterday and it was freaking wonderful stuff, so I thought I’d try this one today. Should have a nice hit of Sichuan peppercorn. Let’s give it a go!
#3872: Fan’s Premium Instant Noodles With Stewed Beef Flavor – China
I found this at the Asian Family Market on Aurora, north of Seattle. It was my first venture in a car in two months!!! Let me explain.
#3868: Panda Signature Ramen Noodle Soup Beef Flavor – United States
I first must thank the reader from Montana for shooting these over a month or two ago. Now, I’ve heard from people all over about how these have replaced another brand in Walmart and it seems people are losing their minds! One thing that will always fascinate me about instant noodles is how they really evoke an emotional response. I’ve gotten comments, complaints, rants, sadness, and anger about this. It’s really interesting. Well, let’s give this beef one a try!
#3866: Guangyou Instant Noodles Artificial Clam Flavor – China
This one arrived in an Exotic Noods subscription box – check ’em out and use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3863: Sanyang Yishi Classic Guilin Rice Noodle – China
This one has an interesting preparation method and I’m honestly really excited to try it. I’ve seen many varieties that kind of look like this. My wife Kit was awesome – while our car has been down for the count, she went out shopping and checked whether I’d tried varieties and got me this one to try! She’s the best – let’s check it out!
#3860: Baijia Mian-Yang Rice Noodle Artificial Beef Flavor – China
I don’t I’ve mentioned lately how absolutely wonderful my wife is. I should just do a standalone post every week saying that and extolling the reasons why, but here’s one thing she did that was absolutely wonderful. We had a car accident in mid January (as I write this it’s early March) and we’ve had a loaner as it gets fixed. Yeah – early March. Since mid January, I haven’t been in a car. We’ve got two kids, two car seats, and one just won’t get in there right and so someone has to stay at home and since I don’t drive, that’s me. Well, the local grocery store I walk to had some sad mung bean sprouts and it’s Sunday – a week without mung bean sprouts is a sad ordeal for me. She drove to the 99 Rach Market out of town, got my veggies and then proceeded to send me individual photos of different instant noodles in hopes of finding some I’ve not reviewed. I’m super low on varieties I’ve not tried which is serious no bueno. She did find a few though and this is one of them. So I say thank you to my kind and wonderful wife. Let’s have a look at this rice noodle variety!
#3822: Sichuan Baijia Red Oil Noodle – China
Found this one at 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds, WA. They just keep bringing in these ‘flower pots’ and I couldn’t be happier. It never ends. I like that. This one’s ‘red oil,’ so I’m guessing it’s spicy. Neat artwork on this one – let’s check it out!
#3819: Single High Spicy Bean Vermicelli With Oden – China
Well, this looks interesting – found it at 99 Ranch Market. Bean vermicelli isn’t too hard a stretch to understand; it’s a noodle made from mung beans. But what is oden? Wikipedia says –
#3818: Sichuan Baijia Luosi Rice Noodles – China
Here’s a big noodle cup I found at the 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds, WA. You might wonder – what’s Luosi mean? Here’s something from Wikipedia –
#3815: Sichuan Baijia Hot & Sour Instant Vermicelli – China
Here’s another one that arrived in a box from Exotic Noods. Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
Panda Signature Ramen Noodle Soup Samples From Walmart – An Updtate
What is this? Where does it come from? These are all good questions about these Panda Signature products sent by a guy named Daniel from Montana (thanks again!). After looking all over the packaging and just finding they’re distributed here in the United States by Albany Farms, I noticed something. The HALAL stamp. It’s under the authority that gives out HALAL certifications in… Malaysia!
#3786: Shi Zu Ren Energy River Snail Rice Vermicelli – China
Okay so you might not know it, but I’ve tried quite a few varieties of river snail flavor instant noodles. Usually they have river snail powder in them – I didn’t see that here but it could possibly have it. There’s just a huge amount of sachets going on here. Let’s check it out!
#3780: Shi Zu Ren Energy Vegetarian Spicy Vermicelli – China
Just when I thought I’d tried them all, they come out with a couple more and this is one of them. These are the quintessential ‘flower pot’ noodles – tons of sachets, vermicelli, and a fork. Let’s crack it open and give it a try!
#3770: Cao Is Starving Dried Instant Noodles Wuhan Hot Flavor – China
Okay so I don’t want to hear a ton of complaints about the flavor of this one. Anyway, all of these have been really quite good! Guessing this will have a good kick to it – let’s give it a try!
#3759: House Of Delicious Taste Hot & Sour Vermicelli – China
Here’s a trippy little flower pot found at the local 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds, WA. These little cow dudes are awesome! Let’s check it out – by the way big thanks to Kyle K. for translation assistance!
#3751: Liangshi Nara Japanese Noodles (Salted Egg Flavor) – China
Salted egg was something I didn’t really get at first, but these days it’s something I really enjoy. I had one of these ‘flower pot’ style noodles about 40 reviews back that was the same except it was salted egg and crab flavor – and it’s a no-brainer five stars. Let’s see if this one’s solo flavor does the trick.
#3740: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Mushroom Chicken Flavour – China
This one arrived in an Exotic Noods subscription box – check ’em out and use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order!
#3735: Single Grain Hot & Sour Lava Noodles – China
Here’s another one of the ‘flower pot’ form factor large cups from China. These are generally really quite good so I’ve got high hopes for this one. Plus, it’s dry. I know it has to be. I think. I should say I screwed one of these up recently but I did redo it. Dry varieties when broth is introduced isn’t so wonderful. Let’s give this one a try.
#3719: Liangshi Nara Japanese Noodles (Salted Egg Crab Flavor) – China
I’ve had some trouble with these flower pot style cups lately but this one is pretty self explanatory. Holes in the top – it get’s drained. Let’s give it a try!
#3711: Single Grain Spicy Sichuan Pepper Instant Noodles – China
This one’s a bit of a toughie for me. I found it called LM Spicy Pepper Instant Noodle and thought that can’t be quite it. I also found something by searching the bar code having to do with this noodle and Sprite – like the soda. Maybe a package deal? I’m not sure. My thought is that this is actually a green sichuan pepper variety – I mean the lettering is green… I hope not since I abhor green Sichian pepper. But we shall see. Instructions look to b pretty straightforward at least.