Big thanks to Daniel over at – check out his subscription boxes – multinational rad stuff with things like this inside! Really stoked to try this – and very curious what premium original flavour entails. Let’s check it out!
Tag: hong kong
#5090: Chewy Cup Instant Vermicelli – Black Garlic & Mushroom Flavor – Hong Kong
Here’s one that came out of a box from – thanks! I haven’t had a lot of products from this company, but always stoked to get something new to try. Let’s give it a go!
#4946: Nissin Demae Ramen Aka Tonkotsu Flavor – Hong Kong
Back in 2017, I got to try this one. It’s interesting to find here in the states now, and has some differences. I’m guessing it’s still made in Hong Kong, however there are a couple of differences. Back then it was aka tonkotsu flavour – now the ‘u’ is dropped. Sachets look different as well. Today’s my birthday, so I picked three to review that I thought would be fun to do out of my stash. So, the last review, this one, and the next one are ones I’m doing today. Let’s cook it up!
#4941: Nissin Demae Ramen XO Sauce Seafood – Hong Kong
I reviewed this one a few years back, but it looks like things have changed slightly so I thought it would be interesting to try again. Let give it a whirl.
#4773: Kang Shi Fu Artificial Soyed Beef Flavor – United States
Found this one the other day at 99 Ranch Market. This one is interesting as the range is very easy to find here, however there was a lot of confusion whether it was another brand – Master Kang. Master Kang translates to Kang Shi Fu, and also has a little chef guy for it’s logo. I remember getting a phone call from a lawyer about it a long time ago asking my opinion on it. It’s been such a long time though that I’m guessing that whatever legal issues were involved are probably kaput at this point, so here we are. Soyed beef – is that like corned beef? Interesting. Let’s cook this stuff up.
#4749: Knorr Shrimp Broth Quick Serve Macaroni – Hong Kong
But that’s not ramen! The throng of people screamed in unison! They wept openly. Well, that was silly – this one could be found on the instant ramen aisle . This is popular stuff in Hong Kong and I found it locally and figure hey why not. Macaroni only seems to enjoy the company of cheese here, but not elsewhere. Let’s cook.
#4726: Chewy Seafood Flavour Quick Serve Macaroni – Hong Kong
Another one found at S*Mart. I know, it’s not ramen or instant noodles per se, however it’s something you might find on the instant noodle aisle as I did. Usually these aren’t bad – definitely not a thick broth or anything, but a nice flavor and thin walled macaroni. First found this kind of thing years back in Canada with some Nissin varieties. Anyways, let’s proceed.
#4675: Nissin Cup Noodles Thai Style Crab Curry Flavour – Hong Kong
Another great one sent by Pher Engi – thanks again! I used to see these very commonly – never this variety though. They’d have ton of them at 99 Ranch Market and now I don’t see them at all. Very strange. Well, this one looks really good so without further ado let’s cook ’em up!
#4529: Nissin Demae Ramen Seafood Flavor – Hong Kong
First off, thanks to Daniel over at Exotic Noods for sending this and a few others over recently – check out his website!
#4344: Chewy Quick Serve Macaroni Ham Flavour – Hong Kong
Ham flavor macaroni soup? Yeah – for really though! I’ve had the chicken flavor by this brand as well, and there are a few other brands out of Hong Kong that do different flavors including tonkotsu! Let’s give this ham variety a try.
#4307: Chewy Quick Serve Macaroni – Chicken Flavour – Hong Kong
Yep! I know! Not ramen! But it was with the ramen, it’s from Hong Kong, and it’s something interesting. I’ve reviewed a few macaroni varieties in the past. Let’s give this one a try.
#4299: Sau Tao Fresh Pasta Cuttlefish In Squid Ink Sauce – Hong Kong
This is one found during a Saturday hunt for more varieties for review. Found it at a store called S-Mart in Bellevue, Washington (yeah like in Army Of Darkness!). This is one by the same company that actually sent me a pallet – 400lbs of samples!!! Let’s check it out and give it a try!
#4261: Hai Chi Jia Golden Soup Sour Spicy Vermicelli – China
This is the third variety of the Hai Chi Jian varieties I got. They’ve been pretty fascinating so far and this one sounds pretty good -let’s give it a go! But wait – who is the guy on the cup (image is below)? I have found out. I found it on a website called – here’s what they had to say –
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2022 Edition
Lots of people enjoy bowls full of noodles from around the world. They often come with a utensil, and all you need it hot water. For a quick meal, they’re hard to beat insofar as convenience. Some bowls however go above and beyond a utilitarian sense and are truly gourmet. This list is comprised of my favorite bowl varieties from all reviews up to #4120. All scoring is done prior to garnish being added. Do you want me to review something I haven’t? Drop me a line! With that, let’s peruse my top picks on The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Bowls Of All Time 2022 Edition!
#4046: Little Q True Love Spicy Beef Noodles – Hong Kong
Well, today it’s the second of the two Little Q varieties they sent. The non-spicy was absolutely wonderful stuff – curious how this one will be. The sheer amount of beef in the first one was really amazing – and it was really succulent. How spicy will it be? Let’s find out!
#4037: Little Q First Love Beef Noodles – Hong Kong
Look at that cow licking it’s lips – cannibal! Well, probably not but hey! These are made in Taiwan for the Hong Kong market and I’m really curious about them so… Let’s give ’em a go!
#3993: Nissin Cup Noodles Crab Flavor – Hong Kong
This one arrived in an Exotic Noods subscription box – check ’em out and use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3980: Nissin Demae Ramen XO Sauce Seafood Flavor – Hong Kong
A bit of a packaging change has netted this one a new review. I’ve enjoyed this one in the past many times and there have been a few packaging changes. Curious if any of the contents have changed at all in this new iteration. Let’s find out!
#3971: Yamasa Artisanal Tonkotsu Broth x Sau Tao Sichuan Noodle – USA/HK
Today, we combine a noodle made in Hong Kong with a broth concentrate from the United States. I decided this would be a great venue to try out the homemade chashu we made this weekend – I’ll include the recipe in a video below as well. Let’s give this combo a try!
#3961: Nissin U.F.O. Chow Mein Noodles Sichuan Style Shredded Pork Artificial Flavour – Hong Kong
This one arrived in an Exotic Noods subscription box – check ’em out and use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3930: Doll Ramen Noodles Shrimp Wonton Flavour – Hong Kong
I must admit, it’s been an interesting stroll down memory lane retrying these about ten years after I had them previously. I remember back then I would walk every day to the Asian grocery store, pick a pack, come home, then review it. Much has changed since those reviews pre-1000, that’s for sure. This one I remember being quite nice. Let’s check it out!
#3920: Doll Ramen Noodles Spicy Artificial Pork Flavour – Hong Kong
Here’s another Doll variety I’ve not had in what seems like millennia. Spicy pork from Hong Kong? Sign me up! Let’s give it a try!
#3900: Doll Ramen Noodles Sesame Flavour – Hong Kong
Another one that I’ve not samples in many, many years – October of 2010. Curious how it’ll be – I generally remember liking all of these Doll brand ones so we shall see.
#3899: Nissin Demae Ramen Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavor – Hong Kong
Haven’t had this variety in years and it looks to be a little different. There’s a fellow on YouTube named FirstNameLastName that’s been following my channel for quite a while, offering insightful comment and input on my episodes of Instant Noodle Recipe Time. He mentioned what I figure was this one, so seemed right to me to give it a go. Let’s check it out!
#3896: Doll Ramen Noodles Artificial Beef Flavour – Hong Kong
Time for some more Doll noodles! I reviewed these very early in my reviewing career and they definitely need another look. Since it’s been so many years, this one gets a fresh look. Let’s check it out!
#3891: Doll Ramen Noodles Artificial Chicken Flavour – Hong Kong
Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free, but check for yourself. To prepare, boil the noodles in 500ml of water or 3 minutes. Add in sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!
#3864: Nissin Demae Ramen Roast Artificial Beef Flavor – Hong Kong
I think the last time I had this is was called Five Flavors Beef or Five Spice Beef – that was a long time ago let me look it up…
Recipe: Tonkotsu Ramen Burger
I thought it was a good time to do a post with a product from Hong Kong. As it turns out, Apple Daily has closed it’s doors. What’s Apple Daily? It was a pro-Democracy newpaper that I worked with a couple of times regarding my top ten lists and ramen in general. Really nice people and it’s sad to see that they’ve been put down by the mainland Chinese government. Makes me sad. So, I’m going to d something with some noodles from Hong Kong today.
#3827: Lee Kum Kee Hong Kong Style Chow Mein – United States
They did a big reset at the local Safeway. They redid their produce section which was kinda nice. The also really updated their Asian foods section. Lots of instant noodles there! Then, there’s this. These are $4.99 each. The only reason I got one is because we love this brand’s Korean BBQ sauce. I’m guessing there’s a good chance this will be pretty good. Let’s chek it out and see if it warrants this price tag.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition
After one very turbulent year, The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time is back. My mother died, we had an auto accident, the kids missed in-person schooling, and of course the pandemic. It’s been a really rough go but we’re back. Vaccines are rolling out everywhere and hopefully we can all get back together someday son. One thing I’ve found inspiration and enjoyment from during these times is a book I’d been hoping to find was sent to me by a noodle company exec called Momofuku Ando Speaks. It’s a book of quotes (kind of like the Ferengi Rules Of Acquisition if you’re a Star Trek fan) by the inventor of the instant noodle. I’ve been reading one on my show Instant Noodle Recipe Time every day – a lot of fun and a very interesting perspective. Little things like that have been really important as of late. Today, I’m proud to announce the show hits its 1000th episode!
#3771: Doll Ramen Noodles Pickled Vegetable Flavour – Hong Kong
It’s been years and years since I had this so it’s getting a fresh new number . If you haven’t tried this range of varieties (there’s a ton of flavors) then you’re missing out. Let’s check this one out.
#3752: Nissin Demae Ramen Miso Tonkotsu Flavor – Hong Kong
I reviewed almost all the Demae Ramen – at least I thought. I used to get them on walks about ten years ago and then I did a Meet The Manufacturer with Nissin HK and they sent over 50 different varieties. Then this one comes in an Exotic Noods box (use coupon code RAMENRATER15) and there’s a new one to do. Let’s kick the tires!
#3740: JML Instant Noodle Artificial Mushroom Chicken Flavour – China
This one arrived in an Exotic Noods subscription box – check ’em out and use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order!
#3700: Sau Tao Seafood Flavour Sichuan Spicy Noodle – Hong Kong
Hey this sounds great – spicy seafood! I’m in; let’s give it a try!
Sau Tao Seafood Flavour Sichuan Spicy Noodle – Hong Kong
Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Contains scallop. To prepare, boil noodle for 4 minutes in 500ml water. Add in sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!
#3699: Sau Tao Jiangnan Style Noodle – Original Flavour – Hong Kong
Was going through the box of remaining Sau Tao varieties and found this one last night. The others (shallot and chili) were both really great so curious that original means – maybe soy sauce? Let’s find out!
#3666: Sau Tao Tom Yum Kung Flavour Instant Noodle King – Hong Kong
Today we’ve got another variety from Hong Kong’s Sau Tao. This one pairs the super tasty Tom Yum Kung with their Instant Noodle King noodles – which are really good. Let’s take a look.
#3648: Mr. Lee’s Noodles Hong Kong Street-Style Beef – United States
I got the chance to try the range of Mr. Lee’s products when they were only available in the UK. Now, they also are making them here! This one’s got freeze dried beef and vegetables, plus it’s gluten free. Time to see if this one’s the same as what I’ve tried from the UK!
#3640: Sau Tao Mushroom Flavour Sichuan Spicy Noodle – Hong Kong
I’m really not a mushroom fan, so I thought I’d see how much I disliked the variety. It’s pretty rare there’s a mushroom instant that I actually like, but it has happened… Let’s check this one out!
#3633: Sau Tao Laksa Flavour Ramen – Hong Kong
I had this one a while back but the packaging was a little different, so this one gets a new review. I’ve been incredibly impressed with the laksa and ton yum kung flavor profiles coming from Sau Tao – so much that they’ve been on the Top Ten for 2 years now. What’s more is they pair them with a myriad of noodle varieties. Let’s do up some laksa!
#3630: Sau Tao Instant Noodle King Lobster Soup Flavour – Hong Kong
Time for more lobster from Sau Tao! This is one of the many varieties that came to my door a couple of months ago on a pallet. Yes, a pallet. Four hundred pounds of noodles. That’s a lot! Let’s crack it open and have a look.