Tag: 方便麵

Holiday Ramen Gifts – Umai Crate from Japan Crate + DISCOUNT!

Holiday Ramen Gifts – Umai Crate from Japan Crate + DISCOUNT!

Well the holidays are upon us among other things. This time, it’s pretty inadvisable to run to the mall and hang out with tons of people. Well, check out these subscription boxes as gifts – that way they come straight to your door and have some neat stuff inside! Check out www.japancrate.com and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER to get a sweet discount and get some neat noodles! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition

I’ve got to give it to Taiwan. They’ve really done well with the pandemic, that’s for sure. Just another reason why I love that place; I’ve visited twice and hope I get to again soon. People there are nice, Lots of interesting things going on, and of course… the food! This list is born out of controversy – in 2013 when Taiwan wasn’t on my annual top ten, their media took notice and they got mad. So, I decided to try some ‘noodle diplomacy’ and asked companies to send some samples and they did – and they have been for years now. All sorts of neat innovations, unique styles, and more. If you have a company or a favorite variety you’d like me to review, contact me. Also, I invite everyone to join the Instant Noodles – The Ramen Rater group on Facebook – a large community of people who enjoy noodles and share their thoughts on them. Let’s check out this years shortlist of my favorites from this beautiful and fascinating place. ...see full post

#3658: Samyang Foods Buldak HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen Tomato Pasta – South Korea

#3659: Samyang Foods Buldak HOT Chicken Flavor Ramen Tomato Pasta - South Korea

Well, here’s the first of a whole slew of new Buldak varieties. If you’ve never seen or heard about this range (you’ve probably been under a rock), just know these are probably the most popular spicy range of products around when it comes to noodles. They came out with a Christmas themes variety – meat spaghetti. I’m wondering if this one will be similar? Let’s find out. ...see full post

Holiday Buying Guide: Exotic Noods Sampler Boxes!

If you like instant noodles or know someone who does, these boxes from Exotic Noods are really a nice find. They always do up a nice assortment of varieties from around the world – not just one country. You don’t have to go into a store full of people which is a bonus lately, and you get a box full of noodles and a little pamphlet which gives you lots of info all about them. What’s more, use the coupon code THERAMENRATER and get a nice discount! HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG?! Below I open the November 2020 box and extol it’s virtue. Check it out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition

A lot of things have changed in the last year. I decided it would be a great time to come out with the Top Ten American instant noodles list; it’s November 2nd. Tomorrow is the last day to vote in a crucial election – whichever candidate you support, go exercise your right to vote! The video this year is very different. With the pandemic and my kids home from school doing about 25 Zoom meetings a week, my time has been critically limited. This way however, I’ll be able to bring you more top ten lists I think. This list is comprised of my favorite American varieties out of all the reviews up to #3,636, which count 446 varieties. Let’s check out The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten American Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition! ...see full post

Holiday Gift Guide: Ramen Gifts From Umai Crate

Holiday shopping is going to be a little different this year. What neat about these is you can get someone a subscription for neat Asian foods without going anywhere! They’ll show at your door and provide some monthly fascination.  This one came today and we brought it inside set up the lights, shot the video, edited it and boom here it is! Lots of neat stuff in this box! Check it out! Get yours here: http://bit.ly/UmaiCrate
Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for extra discount! ...see full post

#3638: Hi-Lai Foods Lai Noodle – Taiwan

Hi-Lai Foods Lai Noodle - Taiwan

I was contacted in July 2020 about a new variety of noodle hailing from Taiwan. I was very interested in trying and gave the company the go ahead. Fast forward to mid September and I’m going to give it a try – they arrived last week. These sound interesting; they’re Vegan friendly and have a minced pork sachet which is made with so  protein, mushrooms, white fungus, celery and other vegetables. A chewy noodle and a ‘secret sauce’ with Sichuan pepper is mentioned in the promotional sheet that accompanied these. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

Another Donation From James In Lakeside, California!

Another Donation From James In Lakeside, California!

A while back I got a few boxes of donations from a reader in Lakeside, California named James. Well, he’s struck again and sent another box – thanks! I’m always surprised that even though we’re both on the west caoast, the varieties he’s finding as opposed to the ones here and very different. Let’s have a look inside! ...see full post

Newgate Express Instant Noodles Sent By A Viewer From Ireland!

Newgate Express Instant Noodles Sent By A Viewer From IReland!

I was contacted recently by a fellow names Cian from Dublin about trying out some store brand instant noodles he found over there. He said they weren’t the greatest, but I am always interested in store brand varieties – so of course I accepted the offer – thank you! First varieties from Ireland to cross my desk! Let’s check ’em out! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition

This yeah has just been rough – for everyone I know. After the hardest part of it for me – the passing of my mother – I took a week off from walking after doing 1,000,000 steps on my Fitbit in June and dove in  to working on top ten lists. I did four of them, all current as of review 3545. This list hasn’t been updated since 2017. I’ll be rolling out lists here and there for the next couple of months and maybe do this again a little ways down the road. Here’s The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2020 Edition. ...see full post

Unboxing: Exotic Noods Subscription Box – September 2020

Unboxing: Exotic Noods Subscription Box - September 2020

Looking for something a little different? Head over to www.exoticnoods.com! Their subscription boxes are from different countries! Not just Japan, you’ll get to try varieties from around the SE Asian region! Plus, use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order! Here’s what you’ll find inside the September 2020 box. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Thien Huong Food – Vietnam

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Thien Huong Food - Vietnam

Time for a new Meet The Manufacturer! Today, we start with an interview with John Nguyen of Thien Huong Food of Vietnam. This is the first Vietnamese MTM I’ve done with a company, so this is pretty special! Look forward to some neat varieties over the next few days! With that, let’s begin with the interview! ...see full post

Exotic Noods – Ramen Noodles Subscription Box – August 2020

Looking for something a little different? Head over to www.exoticnoods.com! Their subscription boxes are from different countries! Not just Japan, you’ll get to try varieties from around the SE Asian region! Plus, use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for 15% off your order! Here’s what you’ll find inside The August 2020 box. ...see full post

Spicy Noodle Mukbang – Flood Friday!

Thought I’d share a bunch of recent videos where I slurp up super spicy noodles! Usually by now, I’ve posted the new top ten spicy varieties list m but due to years of pushing by readers and a drought of spare time, the list is going to post later – probably in October. In the meantime, I’m doing a lot of research – what’s the spiciest out there being the question. Check ’em out and don’t forget to subscribe and click the notification bell to stay updated on all the videos I post constantly. Thanks! ...see full post

Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Original Flavored Soup – United States

Re-Review: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles & Original Flavored Soup - United States

This is a kind of rare occurrence. I reviewed this one yesterday. Usually the posts you see here every day are from at least 100 days prior – it’s nice being ahead of the game. But, this being a re-review, it doesn’t get a new review number or anything. I was at the store and thought it would be nice to have something easy to do up and post. ...see full post

Umai Crate Japanese Ramen Subscription Box – August 2020

Umai Crate Japanese Ramen Subscription Box August 2020

Hey look – another Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater! This one came today and we brought it inside set up the lights, shot the video, edited it and boom here it is! Lots of neat stuff in this box! Check it out! Get yours here: http://bit.ly/UmaiCrate
Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for extra discount! ...see full post