Here’s another one that Moo Hee-Wi from Korea sent me. she was the one who wrote the JoongAng Ilbo article about The Ramen Rater last month! Thanks again! So this is what you would find in the Korean superkarket if you wanted to get some Mild Neoguri. A while back I reviewed the US version. Let’s give this one a try!
Tag: nongshim
#792: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Chicken Flavor (New Version)
The 200th review I did was the old version of this stuff! Over 500 reviews later, we come to the new version. So far, these new ones have been quite good.
#782: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Savory Shrimp Flavor
#772: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor (New Version)
I’m pretty jazzed – got a couple things this last trip to the Asian grocery and going to try one of them today. Here’s another one of the new version Nongshim Bowl Noodle varieties.
#759: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Savory Lobster (New Version)
There’s quite a few of these to review since the new design and flavors! Was surprised that my son (who by the way has his own blog at ) was up for trying some Lobster flavor noodles! I’ll steal a bite and a slurp and see how they are.
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Chapagetti Chajang Noodle
Here’s another well-known Nongshim pack – Chapagetti. Basically, you take spaghetti and combine it with Chajang, which is a black bean sauce – now you have Chapagetti!
#755: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Japanese Style Udon Noodle Soup (Bowl)
Haven’t tried this one before, although seen it a few times at the store. Udon is a wider gauge noodle and usually when mentioned so prominently is of the fresh variety. Fresh in a non-refrigerated? You’ll understand in a minute.
Meet The Manufacturer: An Interview With Nongshim America
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Jinjja Jinjja (Really Really) Ramyun
Since my last review of this product, I found out that I made it wrong! Yup… I suppose if I could read Korean I would’ve made it right. It turns out that the red packet goes in first with the noodles and cooks, and the peanut and veggies go in last after everything’s cooked! I’m hungry – gonna do it exactly as I’m supposed to this time! Here’s the old review.
The Ramen Rater On KBS America TV!
During my trip to Nongshim America, I was interviewed – here’s what they aired on TV! This is the first time I’ve ever been on television! Pretty exciting! If someone would like to translate this, I would be very appreciative.
#754: Nongshim Ansungtangmyun Spicy Miso Noodle Soup (USA version)
Okay so I thought this was interesting. Look at the noodle block in this one – very different isn’t it? Well, Let’s give this one a try – this one was made in the USA in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Neoguri Spicy Seafood Udon Type Noodles
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim HooRooRook Premium Korean Noodle Soup
It’s funny how much my wife and I enjoy saying ‘HooRooRook!’ I wonder what it means though… Well, after some research, it came to my attention that it is the sound of slurping noodles.
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Champong Ramyun Instant Noodle Soup
This is a re-review – the last time I had this was probably in 2003 – when it was review #21. For some reason, I thought that it (Neoguri as well) had octopus in it. Clearly, that’s a squid holding chopstick and wearing clothing. I should note that these days, I know that’s a squid – and that squids don’t wear clothing. Moving on…
#753: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Soba Instant Buckwheat Noodle With Dipping Sauce Mix
Hey this isn’t something I’ve seen before – dipping sauce? This is a cold noodle – something I’m not usually a big fan of but we’ll see. The dipping sauce concept has me enthralled…
#752: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Savory Soup Tempura Udon Flavor
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premiun Noodle Soup
Here we go with the last of the Shin Ramyun varieties I’ll be doing for Nongshim Meet The Manufacturer week. Shin Ramyun Black!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Shrimp Flavor
Here’s another of the Nongshim Shin Ramyun variants – shrimp flavor! This one was picked up for me by my sister in Canada. So far, I’ve been reviewing packs and cups from Korea and the United States by Nongshim. This one was made in China. I liked it a lot before – let’s have it again! Yay!
#751: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Onion Flavor (Cup)
Check it out – the new Shin Black cup! Onion flavor! I’ve had one of these chilling on my shelf for a while now – been wanting to review it and now that it’s out on the market, I can! Let’s check it out!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Noodle Soup
It’s been a heck of a long time since I had one of these – over three years! Shin Ramyun is Nongshim’s most well known product – let’s see how it goes now, after trying over 600 varieties since I last tried it!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Kal Guk Soo Korean Style Noodle Soup
#750: Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim Bowl Noodles Spicy Kimchi Flavor (New Version)
I figured for Meet The Manufacturer Week: Nongshim, I would start with a Bowl Noodles I saw get made while I was at their plant! They were cranking them out en masse! I’ve reviewed the old packaging / version in the past and these new ones are very different. They’re made to be cooked in the microwave, so that’s how I’ll cook them.
Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim America Visit
Here we go with another Meet The Manufacturer week! This one’s a little different of course since my wife and I actually took a trip and met the people who are Nongshim America! It was an amazing and fun visit – so without further adieu, here’s what happened. By the way, if you click on the images they get much bigger.
Awesome Promotional Gifts From Nongshim America!
Donation Of Samples From Nongshim America & Nongshim Korea!
I got two shipments today – one from Nongshim America, which I visited last week (there’ll be a lot of stuff all about the visit, the plant tour and the people very soon!). Here’s the first one from Nongshim America!
Back From Nongshim USA!
Well, we’re back from outr trip to Nongshim USA! It was absolutely amazing! The people were so nice, seeing how noodles were made amazing, and the new flavors I tasted were great! I’ll be posting a bit about the trip very soon! For now, I’d like to thank Ray Adams for introducing my wife and I to the world of Nongshim USA! His boss Ray Kim made us feel very welcome and it was so much fun talking with them and everyone else there about noodles and the Nongshim culture. We are so lucky to have been afforded this opportunity and really appreciated it! Can’t wait to do Meet The Manufacturer: Nongshim week! Until then, I’ll be posting a bit of info about the tour and what happened while I was there. Keep your eyes peeled!
The Ramen Rater Really Meets The Manufacturer On Nongshim USA Trip!
Tomorrow, my wife and I are headed to the airport to fly down to the Nongshim USA plant in Rancho Cucamonga, California! There, we’re going to do a plant tour, a noodle tasting, and a videotaped interview for the next Meet The Manufacturer, which (you guessed it) will feature Nongshim. We’ll return on Saturday with stories and pictures – I might do a post while we’re down there from my phone possibly. I want to say thank you to the wonderful folks at Nongshim USA for this opportunity to learn more about their company and instant noodles! We’re really looking forward to this! Next stop, southern California.
#721: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Savory Soup Beef Flavor
The nice folks at Nongshim were kind enough to send some samples of this new beef variety recently. Haven’t tried any of them since they’ve gone with the new outer packaging! Let’s give it a try!
#711: Nongshim Hearty Beef Rice Noodle Soup
I thought today I’d review this one, sent to me by the nice folks at Ramen Place – thanks! Was thinking it would go nicely with some of the stir fry veggies I’ve been enjoying lately. I also talked with Ray from Nongshim today – found out a little bit of information that you might find interesting if you didn’t know. Nongshim’s logo is a seed, and Nongshim translates to ‘Farmer’s Heart.’ I like that – and we’ll see how I like these noodles now!
#683: Nongshim Udon Premium Noodle Dish Garlic Teriyaki
The folks at Nong Shim sent me a box of these last week! Thanks again! Can’t wait to visit the big factory in May! I’ve not seen this before and from what I gather it is brand spanking new! Garlic teriyaki sounds awesome – let’s see how it goes!
#681: Nongshim Hearty Rice Noodle Black Bean & Vegetables
This is one that’s been in the ramen hamper for a while and so it’s time to give it a go. I’m usually a little leery of the noodles with the thick black coating, but I’m throwing caution to the wind; I liked the last Jjajangmen I had so why not!
#677: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Shrimp Flavor
My sister was up in Canada at a big grocery store and found this for me! Shin Ramyun Shrimp Flavor! Never heard or seen it before – what a score! Let’s see how it goes with this one!
The Ramen Rater: Nongshim America Visit
I’ve been waiting for everything to be all set up to post about this, but I have excellent news! Nong Shim America has invited my wife and I to come and tour their plant in Rancho Cucamonga, California! They’re going to fly us down for a weekend in late May where we will take a tour, sample their products and do an interview! This is about as cool as it gets! Want to say thanks to Nong Shim America for this wonderful opportunity for us to see a real instant noodle factory and to be able to bring it to everyone who enjoys the website! I’ll mention this again as time draws nearer. We’re very excited!
Hello, Korea!
Starting yesterday evening, I noticed a huge amount of people from Korea coming to the site. Apparently, they were all coming in droves because of a news story about my Top Ten list including Nong Shim’s Shin Ramyun Black noodles! Well, here’s some links and some pictures of the articles. I’m really hoping someone can translate them soon as Google Translate has done a really crummy job where it usually does so well.
Special Re-Review: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Noodle Soup / Recipe Mash-Up
So this guy named Dave P. posted a YouTube video on the Ramen Rater Facebook page showing some people in Korea making a bowl of Shin Ramyun a little different that I’ve made it in the past. I thought I’d try to get the ingredients and give it a try. Here’s the video:
#593: Nongshim Chapagetti Chajang Noodle
#578: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Noodle Soup
UPDATED REVIEW – uses a recipe from! See it HERE!
First off, I want to thank Greg B. of Florida for sending this one in. Shin Ramyun Black – wow. So I should mention about the ‘ controversy in South Korea about this product. Nong Shim advertised that it had more nutritional value than it really did and was fined for misleading advertising ( Korean Herald article here ). It was extremely popular and I believe it still is. It costs much more than regular Shin Ramyun too. I’ll have to say that I’ve been waiting for just the right day to review this one! Let’s see what’s inside this interesting package of South Korean instant noodles!
#442: Nongshim Kal Guk Soo Korean Style Noodle Soup
Okay so I reviewed Samyang’s Kalgugsu a long time ago and it said it was assorted clam flavored noodle soup. This one just says its Korean noodle soup, however its got mussels, anchovy, bonito, shrimp tuna and mushroom going on too. I wouldn’t call it assorted clam flavor this time around – more like assorted flavor flavor.
#355: Nongshim Noodle Lite 275 Lite Udon Flavor With Mushroom & Agar Jelly
So here’s something interesting. This is for the health conscious noodle fan – from Korea, we have Nongshim’s Noodle Lite 275.
#22: Nongshim Ansungtangmyun Noodle Soup
Nong Shim: Ansungtangmyun Noodle Soup
Stars: ***
This stuff was very odd – I enjoy odd things,
so that’s why the 3 stars. It was like an udon
style noodle first off, and came with a
seasoning packet that was enormous. I ended
up having jalapeno bread with it because it comes
out more like a hot flavor spaghetti than anything.