Okay so I reviewed Samyang’s Kalgugsu a long time ago and it said it was assorted clam flavored noodle soup. This one just says its Korean noodle soup, however its got mussels, anchovy, bonito, shrimp tuna and mushroom going on too. I wouldn’t call it assorted clam flavor this time around – more like assorted flavor flavor.
Veggies on the left, powder on the right.
Lots of stuff! So this one asked for 2 3/4 cups of water and to be cooked for six minutes!!!
Click image to enlarge. Added two eggs to the boiling noodles while cooking. So first off, the noodles are very nice – high in quality and chewiness. The broth was good and hearty and the veggies were plentiful. I liked the flavor and body of the meal, and rating it accordingly. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.
[…] reviewed this about a year ago – at number 442. Well, let’s give it another review! It’s a bit different than other instants […]
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