Category: Acecook / Vina Acecook

#4892: Acecook Super Cup 35SHU no Spice de Shiageru Negi-Shio Yakisoba – Japan

#4892: Acecook Super Cup 35SHU no Spice de Shiageru Negi-Shio Yakisoba - Japan

Here’s one that came in a box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘Do you like spices? This cup is for you. Acecook went big for their 35th anniversary of Super Cup (スーパーカップ), and they used just as many spices for this delicious serving of yakisoba. It’s perfect for those last few days of summer, with refreshing flavors of lemongrass, rounded noodles that are a perfect match for the sauce and all those unique aromas. 🍋 The seasoning has a solid salt base, together with a mix of chicken, pork, and garlic. They opted for something simple so that the 35 spices could really do their job and magnify all the flavors. All of them have been blended in an original furikake (ふりかけ) that’ll leave you a lovely aftertaste in your mouth. The dish is topped with fragrant sesame, a sprinkle of green onions, and red pickled ginger.’ ...see full post

#4725: Acecook Light Tonkotsu Ramen – South Korea

#4725: Acecook Light Tonkotsu Ramen - South Korea

This one is definitely a trip – so it’s made in Vietnam for the South Korean market. Found it of course at the famed S*Mart – that’s right kids – shop SMart – shop S*Mart! I really don’t think any people in that Korean store have seen Army Of Darkness, but honestly I think they’d get a kick out of it. Anyways, let’s commence. ...see full post

#4699: Acecook Tomyum Soup Instant Noodle – South Korea

#4699: Acecook Tomyum Soup Instant Noodle - South Korea

Thisd is a very interesting one found at GMart in Lynnwood, Washington state. This is made by Acecook Vietnam for the South Korean market. Honestly, I’ve never heard of tomyum eaten in South Korea. Do they do that? Thai food is popular in Taiwan, that much I know. Malaysia too – but they’re neighbors so that makes sense. I suppose they wouldn’t make this is nobody liked tomyum soup in South Korea. Anyways, it’s interesting – let’s checkk it out. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2023 Edition

The Ramen Rater's Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2023 Edition

Quite a few years ago, July 8th, 2013 to be precise, I came out with my first The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time. I got the idea from a guy who worked at one of the world’s leading instant noodle companies. He asked ‘you have top tens, why not a bottom ten?’ I weighed the idea carefully. I could really piss off a great deal of people with my list. But what the hell – I do that already with my top tens – people are always disagreeing, and that’s fine. Ten years later, it’s time for my tenth installment of The Ramen Rater’s Bottom Ten Instant Noodles list. These are the worst (in my personal opinion) varieties I’ve ever had – mind you this is out of 4,400 reviews. Definitely not a list anyone wants to be on. What companies like I’m sure is when a product falls off the list and a new one gains my ire. This time it’s a horror show theme, done up with AI. Well, let’s check them all out – and remember, if you like some of these, that’s fine with me – just don’t expect me to eat them with you. ...see full post

#4358: Acecook Saigon Pho Vietnamese Rice Noodles Chicken – United States

#4358: Acecook Saigon Pho Vietnamese Rice Noodles Chicken - United States

Here’s another one I found over at S-Mart  the other day. This one is made for export to the US – it’s kind of interesting – Acecook is a Japanese company with a factory in Vietnam, and Sanyo Foods (makers of Sapporo Ichiban) are distributing it. Looks interesting – let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#4346: Acecook Hao Hao Mi Goreng Shrimp & Onion Flavour – Vietnam

#4346: Acecook Hao Hao Mi Goreng Shrimp & Onion Flavour - Vietnam

Found this one at an Asian grocery on Evergreen  in Everett, Washington recently. I hit them up once a year or so and usually find a few varieties I don’t usually see anywhere else which is very nice! This one I think I’ve seen before online, but never in the ‘wild.’ Well, let’s give it a try! ...see full post