Here’s one we got during our summer vacation. Found it at the Uwajimaya in Beaverton, Oregon. Mushrooms… Well, Let’s give it a go!
Here’s a close-up of he text on the lid (click to enlarge)
Hey – it’s a fork!
The noodle whorl.
This is kind of interesting; I’ve seen many many dual packets like this, but never one that is horizontally labeled.
The seasoning powder with the chili powder on top.
Seasoned oil.
Looks like a clear oil. Has some bits in there though.
Bits of shitake.
Little bits!
Finished (click to enlarge). The noodles are pretty good; they’re bean vermicelli. The broth is spicy with a strong chili powder taste and very mushroomy. The bits of mushroom are spongy. This was not my cup of tea. 1.25 out of 5.0 stars. If you love mushrooms in all forms, this might be for you, but as for myself, this is really funky. UPC bar code 761934016481 – get it here.
Time lapse of mushrooms growing
Shitake mushroom farmers!