Category: Vietnam

#474: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Shrimp & Crab Flavor Instant Rice Noodles

Something else from Saigon Ve Wong – Shrimp & Crab flavor! I sure found a lot of these down in California at the Dublin 99 Ranch Market. They’re pretty cheap too – I think these were around a dollar. I recently had a request that I include the prices of these noodles on my reviews – and that’s going to be a little tricky… See, when I go noodle hunting, I end up getting as many new kinds as I can and a lot of the time the receipt has a list – and extremely cryptic listings. So I’ll do my best – I can do an ‘around’ pricing kind of deal. So yeah – this was around a buck. Anyways… ...see full post

#467: Vifon Tu Quy Sour & Spicy Shrimp Flavor Instant Noodle

It certainly looks like shrimp and very enjoyable in the picture. I wonder how it will taste though. That’s kind of the question I ask myself 50% of the time. The other 50% is kind of a oh look it’s chicken this should be chicken like. This on the other hand is Vietnamese, and sour and spicy and shrimp. So we shall see… ...see full post

#311: Vifon Tasty Asian Style Instant Noodle Mushroom Flavor

Okay so my theory here is that if it says it’s tasty, there’s an extremely good chance it isn’t. I’ve never been a mushroom fan but I’ve been coming around lately. This however looked gross to me and has been sitting at the bottom of my noodle box for a while. Today I decided no longer will I fear these noodles. No longer will I cower under my afghan. Bring it noodles – let’s see how ya are. ...see full post

#254: Vina Acecook Daily Instant Noodle Hot & Spicy Tom Yum

So on our very recent trip to a new Asian grocery, we found a lot of products by Vina Acecook. So there will be a few reviews by them coming at you fast and furious! First off, some Tom Yum! One thing real quick though – notice on the top of the package label where it says ‘Made With Japanese Technology?’ Didn’t find really anything about the Japanese technology anywhere but did find this sitting in a lonely corner of the web: ...see full post