Tag: flavour

Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Rasa Ayam Panggang Jumbo Barbecue Chicken Flavour Fried Instant Noodles

So I got a message this morning from a gentleman in Denmark who thought that Indomie’s special fried curly noodles were some of the best stuff he’s ever had. I must agree! Coincidentally, I found a pack of this stuff sitting in the cupboard and thought that the barbecue chicken flavor really could use a re-review. So come on and follow me on a journey into the world of tasty noodles! ...see full post

#123: Wai Wai Minced Pork Soeng Kreung Flavor Instant Noodle

Wai Wai? Because because I’m done with folding laundry and it’s lunch. So I’m making some of this stuff. By the way – notice that little dude on the packaging? Apparently there’s a celebrity chef in Thailand called McDang and he has a kind of guide to the best stuff. So this stuff is supposedly good according to McDang. ...see full post

#539 & #540: Challenge: Nissin Demae Ramen Chicken Flavor versus Nissin Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles

So I thought why not do a head to head – same company, should be same noodles right? First off the left is the Demae Ramen, more of the kind that you would find in Japan or Hong Kong and to the right is the United States version. The Demae is a bigger brick of noodles and says it is one serving while the Top Ramen is smaller yet says it is two servings. ...see full post