Category: Germany

#4735: Nissin Cup Noodles Veggie Miso Japanese Style Soup – Germany

#4735: Nissin Cup Noodles Veggie Miso Japanese Style Soup - Germany

See, I have a problem. I love vegetarian friendly products – however, I tend to add meat to them. The thing I like about these products is that they usually have a smoother flavor. I’m curious about this one. I also just cut 81 slices of chashu this morning, a ton of narutomaki, and I have marinated soft boiled eggs in the refrigerator. Let’s use the resources! ...see full post

#4689: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Wok Style Soba Chili – Germany

#4689: Nissin Cup Noodles Big Wok Style Soba Chili - Germany

So my sister is really into German stuff and when I review these, I save the plastic cups for her knick knack shelf. Just noticed this appears to have a Vegan logo on the lower right there. This morning, my wife is flying to the memorial service for her grandfather in California, so I’ve got a few days solo with the kids which will be nice but we’re already missing her. Her grandfather was quite a guy – I did a slideshow for them with music if you want to check it out. He was a 3 time purple heart recipient and was in WWII. He was a neat guy and will really be missed. Anyways, let’s cook up some yakisoba! ...see full post

#3947: Nissin Cup Noodles Roasted Duck Sweet Onion Soup – Germany

#3924: Nissin Cup Noodles Roasted Duck Sweet Onion Soup - Germany

I believe this is the last of the German Cup Noodles I was sent from Germany – big thanks to Anna from Nissin DE for sending these along! We arrive at duck. I so wish I could just go to the deli and say ‘yeah, can I have 50 grams of duck?’ Here in the US, nobody sells duck. Only place you’re going to find it is hanging whole duck at Asian grocery stores.I will admit that when I visited Malaysia, Thailand and Taiwan, I was treated to some of the finest food in the world – and some of my favorites featured duck. Duck is very popular in Southeast Asia. Wish it were here. Ah well. I dream of someday returning to where I feel I belong. Let’s give this a try! ...see full post

#3862: Nissin Cup Noodles Teriyaki Chicken – Germany

#3862: Nissin Cup Noodles Teriyaki Chicken - Germany

Well this one was sent by the nice folks in Germany for review! Sounds like a nice variety too. It’s nice when something smells good – I get these reviews ready while the kids eat their dinner in the evening right before they go to bed and then we have our dinner. The actual review will happen tomorrow after the kids have their lunch. Everything revolves around our children in our house, just as it probably goes in everyone else’s house. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Let’s give this one a try! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2017 Edition

Instant noodle cups – so portable, so ubiquitous. They’re everywhere! People seem to really like them for lunch. I’ve found that people also like to take them when backpacking or camping – all you need is hot water and once done, you can flatten them so it’s easy to pack out your trash. These convenient meals have come a long way since their inception – many flavors and countries of origin. This list is a compilation of my favorite instant noodle cups from the over 2,500 instant noodle reviews I’ve done to date. ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2490: Nissin Demae Ramen Garlic Chicken Flavour

Meet The Manufacturer: #2490: Nissin Demae Ramen Garlic Chicken Flavour - Germany - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

I’ve started noticing a theme to these Demae Ramen varieties form Germany. For the Thai Tom Yum one, there was Thai lettering in the background. This looks to be Vietnamese, so I’m guessing it’s styled after pho or something like that. I definitely like chicken and garlic is a favorite of mine. Let’s give this one a look – garlic chicken sounds very good today! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2489: Nissin Cup Noodles Ente (Duck)

Meet The Manufacturer: #2489: Nissin Cup Noodles Ente (Duck) - Germany - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

For years, I’d avoid duck flavor instant noodles. I always thought that they tasted kind of funny – until I actually ate duck. Duck is to me like curry – something really great and above everything else. Indeed, I consider duck to be a kind of exalted food. I’ve had it in Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan – but never European style. Very curious if there will be a difference… Let’s find out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Nissin Foods GmbH

The Ramen Rater Interviews: Happy Souper Of Germany

The Ramen Rater Interviews: Happy Souper Of Germany

This is the 15th year that I’ve been running The Ramen Rater and I thought it was about time I did some of the things I thought might be kind of fun during the past years. One of these is the idea that it would be interesting to find out about other bloggers who review instant noodles. Indeed, there are a few of us out there. ...see full post