Tag: uwajimaya

#2429: New Touch T’s Restaurant Sura Tanmen

#2429: New Touch T's Restaurant Sura Tanmen - Japan - The Ramen Rater - instant ramen

Went to Uwajimaya, a local Japanese grocery store chain in the northwest the other day. So I found that you can get chashu pork there – it’s really nice for Japanese instants since I can slap one on top! Indeed what I do is get a few packs of it from the deli and then bag them individually  and throw them in the freezer – it’s pricy stuff, but done this way it really stretches it a long way. So $15 or pork will yield me about 18-20 slices and since it’s frozen, it’ll last nicely until I’ve done that many Japanese reviews. ...see full post

#2255: Daikoku Hiroshima Flavor Yakisoba

Saw this one at Uwajimaya a few weeks ago after visiting the Living Computer Museum and walking around the Seattle International District – good times with my homie Matt B. I thought today I’d make my lovely wife Kit some yakisoba – she really likes yakisoba and she’s been pretty miserable lately so I thought it’d be a nice treat. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1219: Tokyo Noodle Mini Instant Noodle Spicy Flavor

I asked my wife Kit if she’d pick which instant I’d review today. Well, this is what she picked! We got it at Uwajimaya in Seattle in July at some point (the reason I know that is because the first review I did of this brand was July 20th). I used to end up with a big haul of new stuff every time I’d hit Uwajimaya, but these days they’re a little farther and fewer between. What’s great about these is that they’re much like the first instant noodle I ever got at Uwajimaya a long time ago, just smaller. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

My Awesome Birthday Noodle Journey!

So yeah look at that insane assortment of noodles – it’s really quite insane. My lovely Kit was so kind as to give me the gift of oriental flava today! First we went to Sun Ya in Seattle – a Chinese restaurant that has dim sum for lunch. Then to Uwajimaya where I got a ton of noodles! The we checked out a place called Viet Wah – that was awesome and yes, more noodles. Then to Seafood City and yes…. MORE  NOODLES! Finally after coming back and relaxing for a bit, we decided on homemade Korean BBQ for dinner. Got the stuff at 99 Ranch Market and yup – got another noodle cup! In all, there’s 65 unique varieties here that will be reviewed on Ramen Rater! So Enjoy! ...see full post