From time to time, it’s a good idea to revisit a baseline. Top Ramen Chicken is something I compare all noodles to in one way or another. The noodles themselves are classic – they’re not bad and soak up the flavor well. They’re not mushy although not exactly what one would call chewy. When reviewing chicken instant noodles I always think to this stuff. Of course, when I see an article someone has blogged or written on the Internet about ramen, a good 80% of the time there’s a nice big picture of the product you see above. Youtube’s no stranger to this either; there are about a zillion videos telling you simply how to prepare a packet of instant Top Ramen. It’s not only good but its everywhere. Eaten raw or cooked, people seem to like it. Well, I like it too and so I revisit it with a sore throat and runny nose. Here we go!
Category: United States
#582: Koyo Tofu And Miso Ramen Made With Organic Noodles
#581: Koyo Mushroom Ramen Made With Organic Noodles
#572: Maruchan Yakisoba Home Style Japanese Noodles Tomato & Basil Flavor
Been awhile since I’ve had a domestic Maruchan Yakisoba! This one was purchased on our drive back from our honeymoon this summer in mid-July. Got it and another one at a Chevron in northern Oregon of all places!
#561: Sahmyook Noodle (Vegetable)
Here’s one of the new ones that Greg B. from Florida sent my way. Never heard of this brand – says its from Los Angeles but it took someone from the east coast to clue me in about it!
From Rolls to Bowls: Genji Sushi Launches Freshly Prepared All-Natural Ramen Noodle Soup at Whole Foods Market
So I found out about this today and thought it sounds rather interesting. I’m hoping I might be able to do an actual review of these soon as they sound quite good! Here’s a press release about it:
#526: Annie Chun’s All Natural Asian Cuisine Ramen House Soy Ginger Ramen
Well here we go with some domesticated ramen. This is a fresh pack by a supermarket available brand.
#519: Snapdragon Pan-Asian Cuisine Beijing Vegetable Rice Noodle Soup
Sheesh – almost 20% through the 500’s – didn’t expect that to happen so quickly! So here we have the Snapdragon cup, Beijing Vegetable. I got it locally but if you want to try it you can get it here. These have been pretty good so far – let’s see how the veggies do…
#517: Thai Kitchen Thai Ginger Instant Rice Noodle Soup
So I let my wife pick between two packs of noodles and she picked this as the one I should eat today! Thai Ginger sounds really good to me – I like Thai flavors and I like ginger a lot. Let’s see how this tastes!
#500: Mexi-Ramen Soupless Ramen Shallot Teriyaki Flavor
9/28/2024 – Update – Back on September 9th, 2011, I published this post – it was an early time in my reviewing – many things have changed since then; I used to use a phone to take pictures of products – I think it was a Blackberry Curve at the time. As I’m only a handful of reviews to #5000, it’s really weird to look at this compared to how I present reviews now. Anyways, there’s a video at the bottom I made at the time.
#496: Maruchan Yakisoba With Shrimp
Got this one at Walmart. Was pretty sure I hadn’t tried it and was right so here goes.
#481: Thai Kitchen Roasted Garlic Rice Noodle Bowl
So I noticed that the previous review of the Mushroom flavor was a rice noodle soup bowl as opposed to a rice noodle bowl. Interesting. Anyways, here’s another Thai Kitchen bowl.
#480: Thai Kitchen Mushroom Rice Noodle Soup Bowl
Tried the Spring Onion last week and thought it was good so thought I ought to see if I can find more of these. Sure enough, found a couple at Safeway.
#477: Mr. Udon Oriental Udon Noodle Malaysian Beef Flavor Artificially Flavored
One of four packs I got at a Big Lots store. Pretty cheap too.
Two packets – powdered seasoning and ‘dried flake’ – veggies.
#476: Annie Chun’s All Natural Asian Cuisine Teriyaki Noodle Bowl
My sister got me this one and kindly brought it to me to check out – thank you! So I’ve never tried this brand before, so I guess we’ll have to see how it goes.
#475: Gefen Oriental Style Ramen Noodles Vegetable Flavor
Here’s another of the kosher noodles sent to me by Michael M. of Staten Island, NY. This one’s vegetable – kind of a strange flavor. Carrot? Celery? Zucchini? Acorn squash? What kind of vegetable? It has to be something tasty… Well, let’s check it out.
#472: Thai Kitchen Spring Onion Rice Noodle Bowl
A brand I’ve never reviewed before I know. This one came from my mother in law! Thank you! Sounds like it should be tasty – spring onion sounds tasty.
#471: Koyo Lemongrass Ginger Ramen Made With Organic Noodles
The first thing I noticed about this one was that it was expired. I got these at The Market At Anacortes on July 4th or 5th this year. I’m sure they’re still fine but jeez! Lenmongrass ginger… I like ginger that’s for sure. Wondering about lemongrass though – I guess we’ll see…
#470: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Chicken Mushroom Flavor
I’ve tried many of the Maruchan noodles line and I’d thought I’d had all of their packaged noodles for the US market – then this shows up. The Market At Anacortes had it – never seen it before. My wife loves mushrooms so hoping she likes it too.
#469: Gefen Oriental Style Ramen Noodles Chicken Flavor
Here’s another one sent to me by Michael M. from Staten Island, NY – thanks again, man! As I mentioned before, he found a few of them on the kosher aisle of a grocery store and sent them my direction. The last review I did was imitation chicken flavor. This one’s chicken flavor. I looked at the ingredients and don’t see any chicken… Hmm… Well, let’s try it out.
#465: Nissin Souper Meal Picante Shrimp Flavor Hot & Spicy
I thought I’d tried all of these but it appears I was wrong. So here’s yet another Souper Meal – Nissin’s answer to America’s need for another ‘Hungry Man’ style food product.
#462: Nissin Top Ramen Shrimp Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
“The hell you say!” you may be saying, but yes indeed my fellow noodleheads, it’s true. I reviewed 461 other instant noodles but decided to have today be the shrimp flava Top Ramen. Why you ask? Why not is your answer. So the package is very pink is just itching to be reviewed so here we go.
#459: Gefen Oriental Style Ramen Noodles Imitation Chicken Flavor
So here’s one I got from Ramen Rater contributor Michael M. from Staten Island, NY. He said he found some of these down the aisle with kosher foods at his grocery store. Well, let’s give it a try!
#454: Koyo Asian Vegetable Ramen Made With Organic Noodles
During my vacation I found quite a few of these at ‘The Market At Anacortes.’ I’ve reviewed one in the past and been interested in doing the rest. Here’s some of them – Asian Vegetable flavor. Here we go…
#440: Maruchan Instant Lunch Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor Ramen Noodles With Vegetables
So here’s some Instant Lunch. Haven’t done one of these in a while and I’m sure that there’s a ton of them I need to do still. So hot & spicy beef – let’s give ‘er a try.
#425: Chikara Shrimp Flavor Udon
So something a little more tame. Shrimp udon! Should be good and tasty I imagine. Fresh noodles are always good.
#420: Sapporo Ichiban Beef Flavor With Natural & Artificial Flavors Oriental Noodle Soup
As promised, here’s another of Sapporo Ichiban’s cup line. Again, we see the cooked and ready product being inundated with more piping hot water. Weird picture…
#416: Sapporo Ichiban Chicken Flavor With Natural & Artificial Flavors Oriental Noodle Soup (Cup)
A couple things to start out with here as this picture is somewhat ridiculous. So they’re adding water to the cup. The water is up to the line already and not only that, the contents appear to already be done cooking; the veggies are clearly re-hydrated. Kind of weird I thought.
#403: Maruchan Instant Lunch Lime Flavor With Shrimp Ramen Noodles With Vegetables
So this looks kind of interesting. Hmmm… I should make a list of the Maruchan Instant Lunches I’ve ingested and then I can go to the store and get all the ones I have not and then bam bam bam… Cheap noodle week!
#388: Maruchan Instant Lunch Cheddar Cheese Flavor Ramen Noodles
So been really curious how this one’d pan out. I’ve tried mac and cheese-esque noodles before, but never in a cup…
#387: Nissin Bowl Noodles Rich & Savory Beef Flavor
Well this should be a tasty and tame one after the horror of the zero star review #386. So on we go with some beefiness!
#386: Fu Chang Chinese Noodle Company Pork, Seafood & Noodles Combo
Well, this looks like a lot of insanity! Here we go!!!
Wait – I thought this was pork and seafood flavor, not shrimp flavor…
#379: Nissin Chow Mein Thai Peanut Flavor Chow Mein Noodles
Haven’t reviewed one of these in a while. I did do the Alfredo recently but that’s a little further off track than this. Anyways, Thai Peanut Flavor…
#373: Nissin Cup Noodles Chicken Vegetable Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
So here’s one my lady Kit brought me back from California! Cup Noodles Chicken Vegetable time!
#371: Nissin Chow Noodles Alfredo Ramen Noodles
#361: Tayho Miễn Thịt Băm Vermicelli with Pork Ground Meat
Check this one out! This is manufactured in California. Not foreign! Interesting… Let’s give it a try!
#360: Nissin Cup Noodles Hearty Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Another one from California! Thanks my lovely Kitten! So this should be good I hope! Onward!
#359: Nissin Bowl Noodles Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor
So here’s one we got a Megalomanianmart the other day. Was nice to see there was another flavor out there; I think this stuff’s pretty okay. One thing I noticed – the other two I’ve reviewed say ‘with chicken’ or ‘with shrimp,’ and this one just says ‘beef flavor.’ Kind of interesting I thought.
#356: Maruchan Roast Beef Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup
Yep! Another Maruchan variety. Roast Beef! Shall we begin?
One packet of fun.
The powder in the bowl awaiting the cooked noodles and boiling water.
#354: Maruchan Instant Lunch Chicken Flavor 35% Less Sodium Ramen Noodles With Vegetables
Here’s another new one brought from California by my lovely lady. Thanks, Kit! On with the review!