Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien 維力 炸醬麵 Bread Recipe!!! Taiwan #1!!!

Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien Bread Recipe!!! Taiwan #1!!!

A couple days ago, I was speaking to my son Andy about cooking and brought up bread machines and the joys of making bread; how crafting a loaf of bread using basic ingredients is a lot of fun. Well, I hadn’t done so in quite a while, so I figured I’d go ahead and do it, and what better ramen bread to make but something Taiwanese?

Wei Lih Mien or Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien is a classic variety out of Taiwan. What’s unique about it is the fact that it’s not a noodle soup. I’ve made it incorrectly before and it’s really not great that way. It’s a noodle with paste and a soup – these things are enjoyed separately. So, having just bought a five pack of this stuff, I thought hey – why not make some? Well, here we are. Let’s make some bread!

Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien Bread Recipe

Here’s a video of me making this stuff.

Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien Bread Recipe!!! Taiwan #1!!!

Finished (click to enlarge). I took a couple sliced of the bread and fried it in oil and chashu grease, which I fried as well. Added a little mozzarella – kind of like a grilled cheese. I added a little oil, crushed red pepper, and scallion to the broth – made it like an au jus. It worked – the bread had a little bit of the cooked noodle in the dough, and that makes it much more dense and moist. The chili oil made the broth have a little more bite which was nice. All in all, a tasty experience – yeah – give this a try! Taiwan #1!

Wei Lih Jah Jan Mien Bread Recipe!!! Taiwan #1!!!

An alternate view of this masterpiece (click to enlarge).

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