Tag: chow

The International Lunch

Here’s what I had for lunch today (click to enlarge) – not a new review or anything, but thought it was interesting how many international flavors came together on this one. First, FMF Chow Noodles Masala Flavor from Fiji. Added kimchi, a Korean dish, some Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake from Japan, Dua Belibis chili sauce from Indonesia, some ham, stirfry veggies and sweet onion, and a 2 egg omelet with 2 slices of processed cheese and some Tabasco Jalapeno hot sauce – which I presume is all from the United States but might not be. Was pretty good – quite an interesting combo! ...see full post

#897: FMF Chow Masala Flavour Instant Noodles

Here’s a new one to me on a couple fronts. First, special thanks to Joseph H. of Sacramento, California for this great donation. so what’s interesting about this one? Well, it’s the first FMF Chow I’ve ever even seen. Secondly, this stuff is made in of all places Fiji! Yup – Fijian instant noodles! Awesome! Let’s give it a try! ...see full post