Another one sent by way by Robert over at – thanks again, man! So like their Cup Noodles Very Veggie range,Nissin USA has gone with a cup that instead of a large amount of vegetables has gone with more meat and seafood. To be honest, I like this new direction Nissin is moving towards. However, I think marrying the two concepts – why not lots of meat and lots of vegetables? Call it something like Cup Noodles Gold Label or Cup Noodles Supreme or Cup Noodles Real Loaded or Cup Noodles Fully Loaded… I dunno – just seems like it would be pretty rad. Let’s check this one out!
Tag: up
#686: Wingsfood Mi Sedaap Mi Goreng Perisa Sambal Goreng
More Indonesian noodles! This one’s a spicy pack of mi goreng – fried noodles!
This is the export label.
#650: Dragonfly Instant Noodles Artificial Chicken Flavor
The last time I had Dragonfly brand noodles they were in a bowl and cooked by steeping. This time around it’s boiling in a pot. I remember how much I really enjoyed these Chinese noodles! Let’s see how they are in a pack.
#630: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Artificial Mushroom Pork Flavor Instant Oriental Noodle Soup
Here’s one that has been in the noodle bin since the trip to California my wife and son and I took in July! Time to eat. Mushroom pork just didn’t sound too good, but you know me, I have to try it.
#622: Daikoku My Friend Vic Tanuki Udon Big Bowl
You might be viewing this website today because of the article they did about me in The Everett Herald – or not! Either way, I thought I’d break out something I found last week that I’m really stoked on. This is a bowl I got at Uwajimaya, a Japanese grocery in Seattle (there’s one in Bellevue, too).
Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Fried Noodles
Yep – another re-review! But this one’s very special – i haven’t had this in a few years and I hope after reading and seeing, this stuff you’ll be ready and even dying to try it. This, my friend, is one of the finest instant noodle varieties I’ve ever had. Thanks to Jim C. for contacting Empire International, distributor of these and sending samples!
#347: Sunny Maid Mi Chay Vegetarian Ramen
So this has been one I’ve been curious about for a while. It’s lurked in my ramen box, quietly asking me to try it from time to time. I heeded its call, and tonight gave it the trappings of a fine bowl of noodles.