I thought today would be a nice day to have some pork ribs in noodle form! I wonder how it’ll be? I think it’ll pass the test as it’s yet another Dragonfly product. I know it’s wintertime and all but I think that Punksatawnee Phil’s Groundhog Day prediction was incorrect. He saw his shadow, predicting six more weeks of winter. On the bright side, statistics show he’s been correct – 39% of the time.
Here’s the back of the packaging (click image to enlarge).
Clockwise from top: veggies, dry seasoning and finally the seasoned oil.
Seasonings ready to go!
Finished (click image to enlarge). I added a two egg omelet with a little Lindberg Snider Porterhouse & Roast seasoning and a dash of Chef Paul Prudhomme’s de Arbol chile powder. Since it was a bowl of pork noodles, I went with a little ham. Great noodles as usual. The broth was great too – a little bit of spicy and sweet and a nice meaty flavor. Love this stuff – 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC barcode 721557450956 .
This looks absolutely delicious. Yes – I’ll be happy to eat that!
This is pure awesome!