#4850: Meet Mee Tom Yum Pan Mee – Malaysia

#4850: Meet Mee Tom Yum Pan Mee - Malaysia

Well, I’ve got one more from this company after this one. They’ve been fun to try! Let’s give their tom yum a try.

Meet Mee Tom Yum Pan Mee – Malaysia

#4850: Meet Mee Tom Yum Pan Mee - Malaysia

Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Contains fish and shrimp. To prepare, boil noodle and paste sachet contents in 500ml water for 6-8 minutes. Finally, garnish with fried anchovy and enjoy!

#4850: Meet Mee Tom Yum Pan Mee - Malaysia

The noodle block.

A large sachet of tom yum paste.

A large sachet of fried anchovies.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added crushed red pepper, sesame seed, fishball, lime, tomato, and scallion. Noodles are flat and broad with a great chewiness. The broth is just a wonderful tom yum – quite perfect in viscosity and flavor. The big one here is the fried anchovy which is crisp and when it gets soaked just adds to the broth so nicely. This was a real treat and I’m into it! 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 9551014320338.

Amazon – a cellphone camera mount similar to what I use

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!

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