#4100: Vite Ramen Vegan White Miso v1.3 Prototype – United States

#4100: Vite Ramen Vegan White Miso v1.3 Prototype - United States

This is the last of the prototypes Vite sent me. These have been really good! Curious if I’ll like this one too. What a week – I’ve been deep diving into pumpkin spice noodles for the past 4 days and while I thoroughly enjoyed them, this will be a welcome change. Let’s give this a try!

Vite Ramen Vegan White Miso v1.3 Prototype – United States

#4100: Vite Ramen Vegan White Miso v1.3 Prototype - United States

Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). NOTE-this is v1.2 packaging. Says it is Vegan friendly but check for yourself. To prepare, they sent along v1.3 specific instructions: cook for 3 minutes in 2 1/2 cups water. Take off heat and add everything in. Finally, stir and enjoy!

The noodle block.

The soup base in a ziploc.

A sachet of oil.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added egg, mung bean sprouts, sesame seed, spring onion, and shichimi. Noodles have their standard hearty tooth and nice flavor. The broth on this one was more bland but a little sodium helped as mentioned on the package. Nice miso flavor which isn’t overwhelming. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.  No bar code.

#3239: Vite Ramen Soy Sauce Chicken Instant Noodle Soup - United States

Vite Ramen Soy Sauce Chicken Flavor Instant Noodle Soup

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time

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