All I can say about this one is that the letter E is well represented in the title. Let’s cook it up!
Meet Mee Yee Mee Anchovies Broth – Malaysia
Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Contains anchovies. To prepare, boil noodle and soup base in 500ml water for 3 minutes. Finally, garnish with fried anchovy and fried onion and enjoy!
A box of noodles.
Powder soup base.
Fried onion.
Fried anchovy.
Finished (click to enlarge). Added spring onion and sesame seed. Noodle came out pretty well – nice tooth. The broth was kind of on the light side, however the onion and anchovy really did something nice for the savory aspects of it. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 9551014320086.
Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!