Tag: singlin

#3428: Wu-Mu Mandashi Sakura Shrimp Scallion Oil Noodles – Taiwan

#3428: Wu-Mu Mandashi Sakura Shrimp Scallion Oil Noodles - Taiwan

I found another one of these export Mandashi varieties at the local 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds the other day. Nice to find stuff at the regular haunts. I still think the man on the front is going to strike me if I don’t prepare his noodles correctly! Although I have worked with the Wu-Mu folks before and did a Meet The Manufacturer and they are really very nice people. Anyways, shrimp and scallion? Sounds good! Let’s see if it is! ...see full post

#3392: Wu-Mu Mandashi Mala Spicy Noodle – Taiwan

#3392: Wu-Mu Mandashi Mala Spicy Noodle - Taiwan

Today, something I found at the local 99 Ranch Market from Taiwan. If you watch the episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time at the bottom, you can watch me cook it up, as well as hear my thoughts on an upcoming ban on flavors of vape in Washington State with a lovely message for the Governor, Jay Inslee! This bears nothing ill towards Wu-Mu of course, so apologies for this one being the review that got the cursing, but it was something I had to do. Wu-Mu’s stuff is top-notch! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Wu-Mu

#1440: Wu-Mu Dried Noodle With Beef Flavor Sauce

I’ve reviewed quite a few instant by this brand. They’re made in Taiwan and they come with four of everything; four noodle blocks, four of each sachet. The Interesting twist with this one is that it doesn’t use broth; it’s a stir noodle! I don’t think I’ve found one of those yet. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#1274: Wu-Mu Shiitake Flavor Spinach Ramen

I’ve just got to face it; I’ve got noodles coming out of my ears here! There’s a big bag of these Wu-Mu noodles next to my bed that I’ve been almost tripping over as of late. They don’t fit anywhere else and each one is a 4 pack! I thought today my son and I would try a couple varieties. I figured I’d give this one a shot. I’m definitely not a huge fan of mushrooms, but the spinach noodles sounded nice. Let’s have a look! ...see full post