Tag: meat

Soupply Sends Super Premium Pho Noodle Bowls

Soupply Sends Super Premium Pho Noodle Bowls

I recently found out about Soupply – a manufacturer of high end pho noodle bowls. I think the best way to describe them is super premium. What’s neat about them is that they contain retort pouches. Retort pouches are popular in many countries, but especially in the instant noodle of Taiwan. They contain meat and other ingredients which push the envelope of instant noodles. Let’s check out Soupply’s offering and see what’s in store! ...see full post

#1109: La Fonte Spaghetti With Bolognese Sauce

You’re probably wondering what the deal is here. Well, I’ll tell you! These were sent along with a slew of other Indonesian (yep – it’s from Indonesia!) instant noodles. These are made by Indofood, the same company that makes Indomie! They only take 4 minutes to make, and I think they’re unique enough that I’d review them. Thank you to my friend from Indonesia for sending me noodles I could never lay my hands on here! Let’s check ’em out! ...see full post