Red Chef Pandan White Curry Ramen Bread! #ramenbread

Yeah I’m back at it. I saw a Zojirushi bread machine at a  thrift store the other day and thought ‘man, this thing looks cherry,’ so I carried the thing to the grocery store where I got a gallon of milk and other stuff (which was my original reason for venturing out) and then had to carry everything home. This bread machine isn’t small or anything so yeah – it was a battle I fought and won which I enjoy thoroughly.

I’m trying to name the bread maker – officially, it’s name is Zojirushi Home Bakery BBCC-V20, but I thought it deserves something better. I immediately thought of the band Bread and looked up songs by them. A couple stood out as short listers – Mother Freedom and Aubrey. I went with Aubrey.

Red Chef Pandan White Curry Ramen Bread!


  • 3/4 cup water
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
  • 1 cooked noodle block from Red Chef Pandan White Curry
  • 3x all sachets from Red Chef Pandan White Curry
  • 1 egg
  • 4 fishballs
  • 3 green onions sliced transversely in 3cm lengths


  1. Add water, sachet contents, 1 cup flour, noodles, fishballs, 2nd cup flour, and yeast
  2. Set your amazing bread machine to BASIC and LIGHT crust
  3. At the point when it squeals, add in green onion and egg
  4. Watch it do its thing
  5. Let it rest a while before slicing!


Finished (click to enlarge). Added medium cheddar and mozzarella, and garnished with coriander and chilies. The bread is dense and heavy with a strong white curry taste to it. The fishball came out great! I highly recommend a meat slicer to slice this stuff – it works so much better and the slices are so uniform. Really happy with this bread machine – certainly an upgrade and worked perfectly. What’s more is that the bread is of a more standard shape as the bread pan is more like what one would use to make bread.

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