#232: Indomie Jumbo Mi Goreng Rasa Daging Sapi Beef Flavour Fried Instant Noodles

Uber. Good stuff for sure. I’m going to spare the pleasantries and just say this stuff kicks some ass. On to the reality of the best stuff.

Seasoned oil. Sweet soy sauce. Fried onions. Seasoning powder. Chili powder.

Look at all that – egad a cacophony of flavors!

So here we are (click image to enlarge). I added  two fried eggs and some fried shallots and some kizami shoga – spicy pink ginger. So what’s so great about this stuff? Well, the noodles are perfect. I must say that these are the best fried noodles hands down. They’re chewy and firm. The seasonings are complex and with five packets can be doctored in many ways [I use all of it] and then the egg and ginger just pump it up an extra few notches – protein and crunch. These attributes give this the 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. Excellent stuff Indomie!

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