#3283: O’taste Spicy Tteokbokki – South Korea

#3283: O'taste Spicy Tteokbokki - South Korea

Found this one up in Canada at Smart N Save as well. It turns out that this brand is actually related to Nongshim. It’s produced by Taekyung Nong San, which is part of the Nongshim company as can be seen on their logo. Interesting! This is a combo of tteokbokki and noodles. Let’s check it out!

O’taste Spicy Tteokbokki – South Korea

An import sticker (click to enlarge).

#3283: O'taste Spicy Tteokbokki - South Korea

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free from the sticker, however the sticker mentions items not present; may not correctly correlate to this products so check for yourself. To prepare with microwave, Add 80ml water to the line in the cup. Add noodles, veggies, and seasoning. Microwave for 3 and a half minutes. To prepare on the stove (how I’ll be doing it) Add 160ml water to a pot and boil. Add noodles and cook for a minute and a half. Add veggies and seasoning, stir in, and cook an additional minute and a half.

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).

An included fork!

A pouch of noodles.


A wet sachet of sauce (see it being implemented on the episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time below).

Finished (click to enlarge). Added spring onion, soft egg, sesame seeds, and chili flake. Wow – this one is amazing. The noodle is a glass style and works well with the sauce and tteokbokki. Tteokbokki came out splendidly. The sauce is literally full impact yummy. I don’t eat many instant varieties except for mukbang, and I’m happy to say there are two more varieties of these bowls I have to review and they will both get mukbang-ified. The flavor is a sweet, spicy one with a thick luxuriant sauce. This is absolutely excellent and it was very hard not to go caveman on this and gobble it down. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars.  EAN bar code 8809061679000.

Otaste Roasted Misugaru Multi Grain Powder, 2 Pound

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!