#2234: Paldo Bibim Men


I wanted to take a second to talk about the events that have happened concerning the Presidential election here in the United States. I’ve got to say, I wasn’t expecting the outcome we’ve seen here. I live in Washington state – a very Liberal state – where Bernie Sanders won over 80% of the votes for the primary. Personally, I think we’d have a different President today if the DNC hadn’t played politics and made it impossible for him to win. Our delegates here all went for Clinton – even though the people voted otherwise. I decided not to vote for either Clinton or Trump as I didn’t like either of them. My friend Raffael over at Happy Souper in Germany has posted a review – and he mentioned people there are kind of freaked out about our new President. I guess we’ll see what happens. I’ll keep reviewing noodles. I did this video a long time ago – wish he would’ve gotten the nomination. 

Today I’ll be trying something new sent to me by Yongmin Park of Paldo – thank you very much! I’ve been really wanting to review the bowl version of Bibim Men for a long time and finally I got one! It’s funny; I’m sure this is as easy to get as anything in South Korea – like going to the convenience store here and getting a Pepsi… But this variety had eluded me for a long time. No longer! Let’s give it a try!

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, add boiling water to fill line and let steep for 3 minutes. Use a chopstick and poke holes in the designated spots on the lid (there are three of them) and use them as a drain spout. Add in liquid sachet contents. Stir and enjoy!

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge). Note the three marks on top to create the drain.

The noodle block.

The liquid sachet.

Has a sweet and spicy scent.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added hard boiled egg, spring onion, Salad Cosmo mung bean sprouts and red pepper strands. This is such a nice match; you have the cold noodle which has a good denseness to it – kind of like the cold causes the noodle to contract a little. Then, you have a spicy sweet sauce which meets with the noodle and is just devourable. I really love this one – seriously good and simple; noodles and sauce. 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 8801128503594.

Paldo Bibim Men Cup Noodle 2-pack

A recent Paldo Bibim Men TV spot.

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