Tag: kyoto

#2546: New Touch Sugo-men Kyoto Backfat Shoyu Ramen

#2546: New Touch Sugo-men Kyoto Backfat Shoyu Ramen - Japan - The Ramen Rater - Box From Japan

Here’s another one sent by Javier over at Box From Japan. Box From Japan is a subscription service where you can get 4 unique bowls of instant ramen – direct from Japan – they also have subscription packages for Japanese snacks and candy as well as some other things – definitely worth a look – thanks again for sending this along! ...see full post

#1512: Chewy Japanese Fried Ramen Noodles Kyoto Barbecue Sauce Flavour

I figured since I have some cabbage I need to use before it goes bad, yakisoba would be a good call for today. This is one of those interesting ones. The product is from a Hong Kong company called Chewy, made in South Korea, and a Japanese flavor. Yakisoba is great stuff – vegetables and meats fried with noodles and oil and some flavoring. Time to have some breakfast – let’s check out this one from Chewy. ...see full post