About 13 years ago, I did a review of this one. Over 4000 packs, cups, and bowls – and trays ago! Wow. I used to use a lot of different garnish than I do now that’s for sure. Well, let’s cook it up.
Tag: vewong
#447: Ve Wong Little Prince Brand Snack Noodles Bacon Flavor
So I wasn’t sure what this was at first – I figured by the color that they were shrimp flavored or something. Then I looked below and saw…
#101: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodle Soup Artificial Sesame Chicken Flavor
So if I’ve counted right, this is ramenrater review number 93. 93 different kinds – holy crap… Once I get to 100 I’ll put on a pink tutu and wet my pants or something I don’t know… Anyways, here’s some Ve Wong Sesame Chicken flavor.