Tag: 3361

#3361: Liang Cheng Mei Sao Zi Mian – China

#3311: Liang Cheng Mei Sao Zi Mian - China

Okay so my lovely wife Kit saw this one up at FoodyWorld in Richmond BC while we were up there. She previously saw the Liang Cheng Mei Biang Biang up there too, and that made the 2019 Top Ten list. She’s got a good track record! Being a person with low vision and light sensitivity, I depend on her a lot when we go somewhere – she will ask me ‘have you seen/ tried this one?’ She doesn’t do it every place we go, but when she does, 99% of the time it’s something I’ve not seen or tried before – she’s got noodle ESP! Let’s check this one out! ...see full post

#3311: Paldo Teumsae Ramen (9,413 SHU) – South Korea

Paldo Teumsae Ramen (9,413 SHU) - South Korea

I’ve been wanting to try this one for a great while. Happily, they were sent along by my new contact at Paldo! Thank you very much! This one screams mukbang to me but as some of you might know already, mukbang is something that’s getting harder and harder for me these days. I used to eat a LOT mre, and now I exercise and my diet is much more regulated. To put it bluntly, scarfing down a big block of carbs is easy when you do it more often than I do now.But of course, I’ll give it a shot. ...see full post