Yep – another one from Canada. I really like how it says ‘simulated flavor.’ It’s a beef simulator! Let’s try it.
From the bottom of the cardboard outer (click image to enlarge). The ingredients are on the lid and no meat or egg is mentioned. Contains wheat.
The noodle block.
Powder seasoning.
Light in color.
Vegetable packet.
Looks like some corn, carrot, cabbage, peas and green onion.
Finished (click image to enlarge). Added beef (non-simulated) sauteed in Worcestershire sauce, broccoli, bell pepper and sweet onions. Topped the beef with Dua Belibis Chilli sauce and everything with a little Urashima Sesame & Salt furikake. The noodles are just plain weird; they are as crumbly in texture as possible but not really spongy. They don’t suck up the flavor of the broth much. The broth though isn’t very flavorful so that could be part of the issue. The corn was the only thing I found pleasant, but not overly so. Bland stuff. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 059491009047.
There seem to be a lot of videos on YouTube with people doing strange things with Mr. Noodles.