Tag: ramen noodles in sauce

#4806: Nissin Cup Noodles Everything Bagel With Cream Cheese Ramen Noodles In Sauce – United States

#4806: Nissin Cup Noodles Everything Bagel With Cream Cheese Ramen Noodles In Sauce - United States

Well, here we go again. This is the third in a series of interesting and very different varieties by Nissin Foods USA. First, the Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice – which people really had strong feelings about. Second was Cup Noodles Breakfast which was kind of like a McGriddle morphed into a Cup Noodles. Finally, (shouldn’t say finally and hope this isn’t the end of the road for these interesting flavors) is Everything Bagel with Cream Cheese Ramen Noodles In Sauce. This is an interesting flavor to me. A big thank you to my wife Kit for getting two of these for me, and also to Nissin Foods USA for sending me an interesting influencer box – very cool! Alright – let’s give this a try – I should note I put this in a bagel with cream cheese – see videos at the bottom of this post. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast

A couple years ago, Nissin Foods USA came out with something called Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice. Honestly, I really enjoyed it and made many different recipes out of it, stretching it to the limit. This time, it’s a breakfast variety. I couldn’t find it, but luckily Stumpy from North Little Rock, AR, James from Lakeside, CA and Nissin Foods sent me cups which I truly appreciate. Here, I will go into meticulous detail about the product, and create five different things with it. With that, here’s The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast. ...see full post

#4440: Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast Ramen Noodles In Sauce – United States

#4440: Nissin Cup Noodles Breakfast Ramen Noodles In Sauce - United States

Well, I got one. More coming. There will be a definitive guide. That being said, it’s spring break and the kids are home with me. I’ve been walking ten miles a day for the past 44 days. I think I broke them; I did almost 7 with them today in two walks. I think they had fun, but they look pretty tired. Only four more days of it, kids! Anyways, I went crazy on the Nissin Cup Noodles Pumpkin Spice Ramen Noodles In Sauce a couple years back; did a whole definitive guide and even a poster heralding it’s existance, with a graphic combination of that cup, a 2001: A Space Odyssey (it was review 4001) as well as references to Dune which had just come out. Now it’s time for a Cup Noodles Breakfast meltdown. Let’s give it a try. ...see full post