Tag: gekikara

#3319: Peyoung Gekikara MAX END Yakisoba – Japan

#3400: Peyoung Gekikara MAX END Yakisoba - Japan

I figured I needed something scary for this pairing of Halloween varieties and so here’s something scary. I have no clue how truly spicy this one might be. I’m hoping it’s not going to kill my gut. This will have not only the cooking video at the bottom but the mukbang where I scarf the whole thing down if I can. Well, let’s see if I can handle it. ...see full post

#2463: Nissin Mi Instan Gekikara Ramen Rasa Pedas

#2463: Nissin Mi Instan Gekikara Ramen Rasa Pedas - Indonesia - The Ramen Rater - instant ramen

This is one that Kamran R. of Ramen Regret Rater sent me from Australia – thanks! I believe this is the first variety I will review from Nissin Indonesia. Looks like it will be spicy – rasa pedas means ‘spicy flavor,’ and it has a big angry pepper in the picture on the front of the package. Indeed, Indonesia has a lot of spicy instant noodles on the market – and for the most part I’ve enjoyed them very much. ...see full post