Tag: crevette

#1709: Asia Gold Instant Noodles With Shrimp Flavouring

Here’s a neat one. During my trip to Thai President Foods’ Agent Meeting in Bangkok last month, I went to a seminar for a large group of European distributors. There were a couple guys who were there that I met from the Thai President Foods Hungary factory, and I was able to obtain samples of many of the products that are manufactured there, this being one of them. I noticed that on the label, an Austrian company is distributing this one. Anyways, this will be my first instant noodle review I’ve ever done of a product manufactured in Hungary! Let’s check it out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: Sakura Noodle Chikara Brand Udon Shrimp Flavor

I got some really good sized shrimp the other day at the store thinking they’d go really well with this. I like shrimp – they’re tasty! The ones I’ve been getting are frozen and have a thin layer of ice all around them so they don’t stick together. Pretty brilliant – quite enjoyable. Anyways, today it’s shrimp. Let’s shrimp it up! ...see full post