Tag: 882095223218

#3491: Lemonilo Naked Ramen Chicken Curry Soup – United States

#3491: Lemonilo Naked Ramen Chicken Curry Soup - Indonesia

Awhile back, Lemonilo started producing a Mie Goreng variety which is honestly one of the best out there. Lemonilo puts everything in a healthy light. When they sent me the samples of their Mie Goreng, they included a shirt and a workout towel. I keep the towel on the stroller actually – handy when doing a dozen miles at a fast clip. This variety’s packaging clearly denoted it’s for the US market, however it’s made in Indonesia.  This pack did’n’t come from them though – it was sent by a reader named James in Lakeside, California. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post