Tag: 2720

#2720: Mr. Noodles Pho Noodle Soup Simulated Beef Flavour

#2720: Mr. Noodles Pho Noodle Soup Simulated Beef Flavour - Canada

Well, here we are. This is one I found at Walmart up in Richmond, BC Canada. I’ve never had a lot of luck finding enjoyment of this brand but always gotten a lot of mail/questions about it. People have asked me many times how they can complain to the company that makes thes. I don’t know exactly why – I think a lot of the time people will store instant noodles and they’ll get banged up or the packs will get opened and after a long time will go bad. But my complaint usually has been that they’ve usually not had very strong flavors and the noodles come out funny when you follow the directions. ...see full post