Tag: mixed

#710: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Instant Noodles Mixed Foods Flavor


Been saving this one for just the right day – and here it is! Mixed foods flavor?! Wow this is a fascinating one – never have I found an instant noodle with such a non-descript totle! Surf and turf? Not sure what’s going on here but we’ll give ‘er a try! ...see full post

#622: Daikoku My Friend Vic Tanuki Udon Big Bowl

You might be viewing this website today because of the article they did about me in The Everett Herald – or not! Either way, I thought I’d break out something I found last week that I’m really stoked on. This is a bowl I got at Uwajimaya, a Japanese grocery in Seattle (there’s one in Bellevue, too). ...see full post

Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Fried Noodles

Yep – another re-review! But this one’s very special – i haven’t had this in a few years and I hope after reading and seeing, this stuff you’ll be ready and even dying to try it. This, my friend, is one of the finest instant noodle varieties I’ve ever had. Thanks to Jim C. for contacting Empire International, distributor of these and sending samples! ...see full post