Tag: excellent

Re-Review: Indomie Mi Goreng Fried Noodles

Yep – another re-review! But this one’s very special – i haven’t had this in a few years and I hope after reading and seeing, this stuff you’ll be ready and even dying to try it. This, my friend, is one of the finest instant noodle varieties I’ve ever had. Thanks to Jim C. for contacting Empire International, distributor of these and sending samples! ...see full post

#359: Nissin Bowl Noodles Hot & Spicy Beef Flavor

So here’s one we got a Megalomanianmart the other day. Was nice to see there was another flavor out there; I think this stuff’s pretty okay. One thing I noticed – the other two I’ve reviewed say ‘with chicken’ or ‘with shrimp,’ and this one just says ‘beef flavor.’ Kind of interesting I thought. ...see full post

#339: Payless Xtra Big Chilimansi Pancit Canton

So I’ve been waiting for a good time to try this stuff and today seemed the right time. My 5 year old stuck his headf in the ramen box and picked it out for me. I have so many and its so hard to pick that I often ask family to pick the one I’m going to have – and usually after they pick once or twice I agree to the one the pick the third time. ...see full post

Re-Review: Indomie Special Quality Instant Noodles Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang Curly Noodles With Grilled Chicken Flavor

Okay this is a very special ramenrater review here – if asked what is my favorite meal that is of instant noodles, this would be it. I have been making it and variations on it for years now. Behold the fine Indonesian treat, Indomie’s Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang!!! ...see full post