Tag: Binh Tay

#4176: Simply Food Chicken Vermicelli With Bamboo Shoot – Vietnam

#4176: Simply Food Chicken Vermicelli With Bamboo Shoot - Vietnam

You might not know, but there have been huge lapses in my reviews lately. I usually don’t review every day, however I do a few reviews on days when I do. Well, it’s Saturday night and I’m setting up reviews right now to do tomorrow. I’ll have done three reviews a day since last Monday. It feels good – especially since I’ve been able to get out and do my walking and everrything. Anyways, this sounds like an interesting variety, so here we go. ...see full post

#2562: Binh Tay Mi Hai Cua Artificial Crab Flavored Instant Noodles

#2562: Binh Tay Mi Hai Cua Artificial Crab Flavored Instant Noodles - Vietnam - The Ramen Rater - Vietnamese

These came by way of Kimmy N. of Connecticut, USA! Thanks again! It’s rare these days that a new Vietnamese variety crosses my desk – always welcome of course! I know there’s quite a few that I’m not getting which bums me out. Definitely would love to try more of them. I’ve tried a ton of them in the past, but going forward I’d like to do a lot more of these reviews. ...see full post

#91: Binh Tay Mi Chay Mushroom

Okay, let me explain.I have been going through every review meticulously for the last few days and you will see why in my next post, but I notice that review #91 was skipped for some reason. So, this will be it. Not a big mushroom fan but hey, the vegetable one this company made was alright so let’s give this one a try. ...see full post